My aquaponic adventures

I don’t mind them outside, and I absolutely appreciate what they do, 100%. But I’m with you, dude is getting a slipper whipped at him from the throne :joy:.

Outside, I have to admit, I have actually ushered bugs into webs if I get a chance… Watching a spider do its work is really cool.

Now, I’m sure someone is going to correct me on this too, which I don’t mind, but… Apparently a daddy long legs bite, and venom, could absolutely kill a human, if their fangs were long enough to pierce our skin. No idea why, I’ve never really considered them a spider and have never really been creeped out by them…? :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

From what I’ve read, the only local spider bite that ought to worry you up in Canada is whichever black widow type species you have. And those are often awful experiences but Wikipedia says no one has died from one since 1983.

Technically, all spiders are venemous, but where the two of us live in northern North America their venom mostly targets their insect prey and doesn’t affect us much. More like the unpleasant bites of various other insects. And you’ve got to give them no other choice before they will bite, such as by crushing them under a finger or hand or foot. Given how fast most run, unless you take them by surprise or push a finger into the crevice they are hiding in, they’ll just run away. Some of the little spiders can’t even physically bite a human because our skin is too tough.

I read that about daddy long legs too. I think they’re horribly creepy though, worse than spiders :rofl:


My Mrs son is the same way! :joy:. Omg, you should see him around crane flies too, “daddy long legs with wings!!!” as he runs away… It’s really cute :joy::grin::heart:. Love that kid, lol.

Thank you for the rest of that info, I do appreciate it… I’ve had, and seen a couple spiders bites, they definitely don’t feel like a regular insect, but it’s good to know you won’t die :grin:. As for black widows… Yeah, those lil buggers… They’re picture perfect, black with the house glass kinda looking red thing on their back. First time I saw one of those, I walked away, very quickly, to my car, and left for a few hours :joy::person_facepalming:.

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I think you need a spider-eating cat to defend your home :grin:
I’ve had a couple - one was so obsessed that when I moved out of a 2- bedroom basement apartment the only spider we found was a tiny one hiding in the back corner of the only closet I wouldn’t let the cat in. :laughing:

She even wanted the ones up by the ceiling so bad she learned to let me boost her up. Imagine me with a large and hefty, extremely fluffy cat held above my head by supporting her lower parts while she lifts her upper half up to trap the spider with her paws and then eat it against the wall or ceiling. If it was the ceiling you can add me standing on a stepstool to the picture :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hahahahhaa that’s hilarious!! :joy::joy:

I used to have a cat… Well, I used to have 8,but this one in particular… She was the smallest, oldest, and ruled the roost, even over the wolf. Belle did not like flies, so like youband your kitty, she and I had a system. She would sit her back end, tail tucked, in my left hand (she was small, my hand wrapped around her entire bottom end :grin:), and my right hand would prop her upper back up. Once in position, I would go running around the house, chasing a fly, while she reached out and grabbed for it, claws flying :joy:. At my height, I can reach the roof while running, so the fly had NO escape :rofl::rofl:

Also, we can’t have any, I’m actually really allergic to cats :person_facepalming::rofl:


Auto zone update…

Zamadelica is looking really good



Main zone

Usual angle

To the top!

I took a cutting off haze xtreme x wish weed #2, but I didn’t have anywhere to put here, so I improvised :grin:

She needed more water when I took the pic… It’s pretty cool, the roots are really taking over, and I can watch them grow :grin::ok_hand:


I’m trying to leave a lot more leaves on the grow than I ever have before… Any one have any suggestions? Should I trim a bit, or do they look good?

I was thinking about your drain root protection needs. An easy(-ish?) approach might be to just put a section of weeping tile vertically around your drain. Could enlarge holes if you needed to increase flow rate or anything.

You might be able to shift one of the taller pots to wedge it in place (depending on how your plumbing is situated).

Weeping tile

That would keep the roots out of the fish tank, but I’d like to try keeping them in the fabric pots. I have some spacers to sit below the pots, and I have my watering on a 35/25 schedule now, so that might help the roots not go down into my “gutter” area… :crossed_fingers:

I can’t put the spacers under the pots right now though, it’ll have to be after this grow.

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Quick plant report…

Critical Purple x Pineapple from @RainToday

In a word, wowzas…

It grew like it was going to be larfy little buds, but they’re actually super dense little nugs grouped together, very interesting structure.

Smoking… It’s been an hour. Usually by this time I’ve rolled 2-3 more, I haven’t even reached for my bag. Cerebrally it’s very intense. Not mind racing or anything, just… Intense. Initially some pressure in my temples, that’s moved to the back of my brain. Physically, holy shit is my body relaxed :grin::metal:

Its insanely pineappley in smell, such a bright fruity scent, I love it!

I got 1 full big jar (pic to follow, when I can stand up again) pretty full, I think this might be the most I’ve got from an auto.

All-in-all, I will absolutely be growing this again! If anything, for the fruity pineapple smell… Or the cerebral effects… The physical effects are pretty kick as too.

2 thumbs up!! Absolute :fire:


Thank you for the awesomely detailed smoke report! Have to say, if you were my neighbor I’d supply you with endless bud just to get that kind of great feedback. :green_heart:

I’ll add those to my “good enough to go to next generation” list, but honestly I probably won’t get to them because that’s not the kind of stuff mom needs right now, so if you or anyone else wants a fat pack of beans to do a seed run just lmk. :green_heart::seedling::green_heart:


Something like this would achieve the same result as the thing I printed. Can’t confirm if the thing I printed actually solves the problem yet, but I think it will.


You’re more than welcome!! Thank you for the beans :grin::metal:

If I had a tent I could dedicate to a seed run, I’d start it tomorrow… I’d have that tbing pumping out seeds constantly, lol. Or, if I had any abilities to collect pollen without it hitting my ladies… Lemme think about this, I might have actually just come up with a solution :grin::grin:

I just had some electrical work done today as well. My tent, computers and 7 foot fish tank are on the same circuit as my Mrs’ daughter’s room, so when she turns on her hair dryer, my whole office goes down. Until today :grin:. I had a 4 plug outlet installed on 2 circuits, so all of my stuff will be on dedicated circuits, and I have lotsa room to grow (not physically, but… I can plug in more lights :grin:).

Speaking of more lights… I plugged in the last blurple light I used - pics, and problems, above - and threw my par meter under it. No WONDER my plants were having a problem! At 18" away, under just the blue lights it was getting almost 1350par! At 18"! So, I. Kinda thinking that light might go into the main zone, but right up against the top, and let it spew out its red light across the whole tent. Maybe next grow, I’ve already hermed too many of these plants.


From what I can find on the Canadian Amazon site based off the name, those are the exact one I have :grin::metal:

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Roots filled up the return line in the auto section and completely drained my fish tank. I got to the tent about an hour after it started, from what I can figure… fish were in small pockets of water in the aquarium. So, that’s 32 gallons of water that have now spread out in the carpet. Not good, but at least it’s a basement floor and not wood. I’m going to end up having to rip the carpet out of this room at some point, ugh.

That’s all for today, I’m going back to my shop-vac vacuuming.


so sorry to hear about all the water man! that’s terrible i would grab some towels and a mop if i was around to help! it’s times like that where i wish teleportation was a thing. it’d be nice to lend a hand.

i hope your missus doesn’t freak too much :crazy_face:

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lol, yeah, me too… I sent her a text about it, along with a picture of the water leak sensors I just bought from Amazon :man_facepalming:

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Would some kind of low water level alarm on your fish tank help too? (or mounting one of the leak sensors above the drain location in the plant containers)

That’d give you an alert before it was out of the containers and onto the floor.

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I do actually have a sensor on the tank, but I don’t have an alarm connected to it, it’s just logging the depth into the database.

The water sensors I just bought will get me running, or at least turning pumps off remotely.

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Years ago when I had saltwater aquariums, after the return clogged and emptied most of my 50g aquarium onto the floor, I re-engineered it so that the return was passive overflow and in case it clogged the aquarium had enough head room in it for all the water in the sump. Then after it failed and I fried a heater, I moved the heater up into the main aquarium as well and lived in peace.

I’ve also heard of people drilling a small hole in their intake tube not far below the water line. Then if the aquarium level falls below that line air enters the tube. It makes a loud noise :laughing: and stops pulling water out of the tank.