My Bodhi Dreadbread F1 OP

I made it out to the storage unit today, and I pulled out the old alto sax

Was pretty into Charlie parker some years back when I originally got it used, maybe I’ll take some time and start playing it again.

I’ve been playing guitar 18 years now so I’m always open to trying totally different instruments, I’ve been able to teach myself basics on so many things from keys, harmonica, and banjo, so why stop now?


I can hear it playing already, awesome.


Just catching up here, great job getting off the shit. As far as the divorce goes, I’m sorry to hear that man, that’s a tough one. But I will say from my own experience, that better things are on the horizon, I look back at my divorce as a blessing, I know it’s probably hard for you to believe right now, but you may just look back at this as a positive thing.


Thank you for the support my friend. I greatly appreciate your kind words!

I’ve been thinking a lot and I am starting to slowly go more in that direction, but of course it is gonna take a little bit of time.

The community here on OG has been wonderful, and offering so much positivity, kind words and support.

Have a good day brother @buckaroobonsai


Goodmorning OG…

Have an awesome day and be well!


Okay so I messed up my sleep schedule this weekend, I was so exhausted the past two days and slept several hours in the afternoon when I should’ve been more productive :rofl:

I’m awake now, I wanted to get the first pack for grabs listed this evening and the wiki set up in my giveaway thread, so I’ll get on starting to set that up now.

And here’s a link for anyone who pops in here to see what I’m up to but hasn’t seen that thread yet…


Chem D to screw my head on straight this morning…. it’s not my work but not bad at all!


(Switches the keyboard to synth)
Welcome to funky town. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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200th post in this thread…

After making some major changes in life recently, I’m ready to start enjoying my time a little more again and not take things too seriously.

Also I’m hoping to get my money back in order, to start I paid off the last LED I bought a while ago.

I’m still behind on my credit card payments, and if I can I’d love to start the new year on a completely clean slate without debt, related interest, and extra fees haunting me.

Have a good day everyone



Recently thinking I should be switching to a vape instead of smoking out of a bong like I’ve done for years.

Any recommendations? I’m looking for a dry herb vaporizer, preferably a portable one. I don’t dab much or mess with hash near as often as I used to.

This brand is pretty expensive but I still am considering it…

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!


merry christmas! i have the crafty+ and would recommend it for sure. if you will be using it alot without a plug near i would get the next model up at least, i know it has double the battery capacity(mighty at least the new one im not sure).
i also have the volcano hybrid, but it doesnt get used very much i always reach for the bong at the house.


Merry Christmas I’ve heard good things about dynavaps vapes been considering one

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I tried one once but didn’t care for it. Mine was called the Vapir… but it was years ago, they don’t make that product anymore… the technology looks to be better now adays. Just looking at them… they newer models look so different from the insanely large contraption I used to use to fill these big plastic bags with vapor.

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So true the last time I really used a vaporizer was just a volcano kind and that was at least in maybe 2009 or 10 lol so I think there’s much better options now especially with the portability of chargeable batteries instead of needing to be plugged in the whole time


Hahhaa yeah this what was I used to have…


Holy shit that’s crazy I’m not sure if I’ve even seen one of those haha :joy:

The volcano is still #1!

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I’ve used tons of different vaporizers since that old Aromazap used to get promoted on the old forums (2002~)

not my picture but the old design…

Now I have a Mighty+ and I’d say it’s a portable device that’s on par with high quality desktop vaporizers. Heats up fast, temp control, large chamber, tastes better than other portable vapes.

I used to have a Planet of the Vapes ONE vaporizer and their old design was really small, compact and portable. Didn’t taste as good as the Mighty+ but it also was very pocket friendly as a trade-off. Mighty+ is kind of big. It’s about 1/3 the cost of a mighty but it looks like the design has changed a bit.

old design

I’ve never used a crafty but I bet that’s great as well, storz & bickel make quality products.


Do you use the metal “capsules” with your mighty? I like being able to carry 8 around and switch them out quickly.

Edit. I also have the small bowl for the volcano which is the same size as the crafty and the mighty I think.


Yes I only use the capsules with both the mighty and POTV one. Keeps the device cleaner too. The Mighty+ capsules are thinner than the POTV capsules but you can also get a big pack for a reasonable price as well.
