My first bagseed grow

I know mate, I’ve ate a few whilst drunk in the past :grinning: they taste similar to Almonds.
I had this mad idea a few weeks ago to cook them in something tasty and try sell them online or something.
Everyone says you should eat insects they are highly sustainable and all that, but if you look them up they’re actually dear af.
You only get a few in a bag for like £7 or something.
I have been bulking them up on all sorts.
They love ready brek :-))
It’s a bit odd though as they all have different tastes. I sit and watch them sometimes and some eat one thing where as a different cricket will eat something else :joy:

Get those chedder bacon one’s down you they sound nice, in a weird way.

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I might be interested enough to try them, but do they go bad?

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I haven’t a clue, maybes they are preserved or something.

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They’re in a plastic sealed bag, but it feels like some air may be in there

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Crisps have air in the bags too, try one when you have the munchies… You’ll probably eat the lot :laughing:

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I have them now​:joy: too bad I have no clue where I left them… Actually I may have a clue :sweat_smile: I think I left it on my table behind me​:joy::joy::joy:
Well once I dab my brains out I’ll grab them. I’ll use my special skills to check for spoilage and eat it if it’s good. What should they smell like dried? I’m sure if it’s like everything else it just gets less intense with a stale smell

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Allergies are just like that man you can not be allergic to poison ivy or sumac for years and then touch it and all the sudden breakout and you can be allergic to it and your childhood and roll around it for in it for so long so many times and you become immune to it has nothing to do with any of the plants it’s all your body in your immune system and how are your immune system adapts to the plants and the ecosystem that they and you were living in


So all natural honey from your area if it’s produced 10 20 miles from around where you live like honeycomb would be amazing but if you eat one teaspoon a day of it it will help with your allergies but it can’t be filtered or anything because it’s made from all the same pollen that you are becoming allergic to it’s almost like a vaccine


Special skills… are you related to Bryan mills :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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That’s rather interesting. I quite like Honey on toast too. So if I eat more of it, it could help with hayfever?

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Of that was going to help it would have by now. Also a teaspoon will be a grain of sand.:sweat_smile: I’ll eat as much as humanly possible given the opportunity :joy:
Immersion therapy takes way more years than you’re thinking. I’m still heavily allergy to cats. The difference is the ones at home do nothing to me until I’m scratched. I go anywhere else and the cats make it hard to see if I can even keep my eyes open without rubbish them to see.

Just like animals plants have variation too and I’d expect the pollen to have small variation as well.
After all we do share a common ancestor with plants even if it’s basically at the start we branched off😅

On another note can you explain why plants or at least some respond so positive to heavy metal and tock? I’m a metal junkie, so unless I have my music I’m irritable.

Maybe.:joy: My special skills are for discoveries using my mouth, nose, and eyes. Yes you can smell through your eyes if you have enough control to breath in through the sockets. I wouldn’t risk eqrs and also the force required to move my muscles that way just is tense AF.

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Yeah it has to be non filtered honey so anything that was in the honeycomb basically has to be with it you don’t want to filter out any of the other stuff of it like I said it has to be grown locally all that pollen from around your area has to be in that honey


Yeah raw honey I know :sweat_smile: I love it! :heart: I just scoop it out of the jar. Real unfiltered honey around here is sold in tubs or jars, but the good stuff is in the tubs. Full of honeycombs, wax, and other chunks of stuff. It tastes way better in the tub than in liquid form in a jar imo. Way more complex flavor. Liquid unfiltered is just water added usually to give it a fluid form, but I don’t like it. It’s just sweet and sickly so.

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I’m gonna buy me some bee’s for my next idea :sweat_smile:

Could use the honey to dip the crickets in :sweat_smile: win win

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Okay that sounds like it’ll be really tasty :thinking:

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Did you try those crickets then?

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I lmao at this early hours this morning.
I was like wtf he just had them a second ago :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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I haven’t had them yet. Still looking for them

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So they weren’t on table hahahahaha :sweat_smile:

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