My Medical Grow

Very impressive gramps! 52 inches already, wow!!

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Corey the girls were already 24 inches out of the tent . I started 6 inch clones that were sorry looking I bought at the local pot shop . The roots were just showing on the sides of the cubes transplanted the same day . I gal pots with garden soil 24 / 7 under LEDS the grow tent was over crowded with veggy starts so I planted early .

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I think you did you made the right choice gramps. I understand cool weather can really stunt a plant or at least stop it from growing. I think you even have more of an edge this year. I even bet your plants get a little bigger!

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I’m over two feet ahead one foot on the Vanilla frosting only doing 6 plants to stay legal . Unlike the new neighbors that will most likely bring problems . Looks like hundreds in 30 gal bags every season there’s a big grow along our road . The raiding party’s are already busting grows the getto bird just flew over they don’t care if they can get one run . We had a couple of cool nights low forty’s and cloudy days but the sun is out and warm today . 54 inches on the Blue Dream I heard their hitting them early so not as much work lol . A couple of totes full of clones is not news worthy though .

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Today was fertilizer time 1 tsp sea grow 16 - 16 - 16 and 1 tsp of Anasazi Humic acid 9% mixed in a five gal bucket and added to about 20 gal pure well water . I feed every other watering Humic will be once a week until I runout . The Anasazi states all natural organic and it may help with uptake of nutrients can’t hurt right ? and it was free but first time for me .


I think humic acid should be worked into the soil. Green Sand and Azomite is great too!!

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It’s liquid it has no choice lol .


So many different options and strain choices at the Collective . I noticed the other day they had feminized seedlings pop them in the ground and off you go . But limited choices like one type lol maybe left overs from a big order ?


Blue Dream showing Sativa first photo and a Banana Mango more on the Indica .


The Blue Dream are going to be giant if this rate of growth keeps up . Feeding Sea grow 16 -16 -16 every other watering and 250cc about 16 tablespoons of shell flour per plant mixed in water todayP5261991 .


Watered heavy and dropped first net heats coming in the hundreds over the next few days :hot_face:


The Blue Dream is now 6 feet plus starting to widen up . I renewed my medical card to always have good
legal medicine and a source of seed / clones / starts a short drive away .


That’s incredible gramps! Way to go!

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Its a Sativa with big S
Beaultiful plant.
Keep going.

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The garden and Blue Dream way in the back . today I took the photo during the raid next door .P6102010 P6102006


Hey man , beaultiful brush plants.
You gonna produce a high yeld.


Incredible work. Thank you for sharing your garden! Hope you did okay In those high temperatures!


The girls loved the heat another warmup coming next week we had a few cool nights in a row . Strange year so far hard to judge how much to water . When the soil on top dry’s out I water sometimes every other day when it warms up it’s everyday . Each plant gets the same treatment and amounts water and feed . I have a couple of plants that started to revert but plenty of grow time to make up growth . Mostly the Banana Mango they showed pre flower right from the start . Then go right back to veg not sure where their headed lol . But there getting big and look healthy I thought they slipped some autos on me but their 6 feet plus and spreading time will tell .


I’m guessing you are in same hemisphere as me.

Spring/summer/fall - hours between sunrise and sunset!

I haven’t tried to grasp the concept of growing outdoors and the vegetative cycle and flowering cycle.

what time of year do outdoor plant begin flowering?mid/late September?

I also am blown away by the size of your medium + the cannabis plants ! Lots of soil

You seem to have great genetics also!

Can auto-flowering strains grow.outside? Are out door grows sort of all auto-flowering lol?

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I’m in N. California may to October I’ve had good luck growing a lot of different strains outdoor . I like growing from seed starting in the window or tent in April and out doors early may after the danger of frost has passed . but the last few years clones have been my go to everything I’ve tried seems to love outdoors and big bags with the right soil .