Need a new PH probe

My personal experience is the cheap ones become inaccurate over time.
they will be close but still off some.

The blue labs stuff, not the pen is what you want if you are serious and have the cash to spend.
It is blue labs or nothing for me.

As far as replacement probes go, this one is expensive but it does not have the breakable bulb on the bottom and will last longer than the bulb type.
Oh, and you can use it for soil too.

This was a really good tip given to me by a member of another site.


Do you still need to store it in solution?

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Yes, but if you forget and leave it out overnight it does not seem to harm it…as much anyhow.
The bulb kind seems to become brittle if you let it dry out.
I do that a lot, I was going through 1 every 6 months to a year.
I have had this one 3 years + now.

This one is worth it for me.
If you can keep a bulb type good for 3 years more power to ya.
I own 2 blue labs meters so I can check em against each other for accuracy.