Need help with ID sick plant

Ok I had mites last month as I said but I always cut all the leafs I can and just let them grow back as I go but I also spray the plant with 50% ispropnol. And I have been checking and have not seen any . I also got rid of the offending plants that can in from outside and washed and cleaned the whole area . But it been about a month to three weeks now and I just noticed this could it be old effects .

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I hope you’re right, just in case trim a damaged leaf and inspect the reverse with a scope, you cannot see them naked eye … beer3|nullxnull

Ok thanks ,would a magnifyglass work

Yes, better be sure and safe just in case … Arriba|nullxnull

Ok I got it under my magnifyglass and it’s little black dots I think it mights again ! Should I just scrape these plants or is there some I can do that’s not going to effect the plants . I got three weeks left on my schedule ? And just to add I had read to spray the plant every three days with 70% isopropyl so I have done that and I thought that and trimming all the leafs I could . And I’m guessing it did not work .

Those black dots if they don’t move can be poo from thrips, can you post a PIC of a damaged leaf? Isopropyl dissolves trichomes, check this:,easily%20removes%20compounds%20like%20trichomes.

We must find out first if you have thrips or mites, posing more pics will help… beer3|nullxnull

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