Negative tent pressure

Some great suggestions here thanks all. My exhaust fan is set to automatic to keep the humidity and temp I have set so it’s not as simple as just turning it down.

Or maybe it is. I might try it as we enter winter and temperatures are lower in my grow room over all anyway.

I saw people mention opening the unused ports, would I not risk light leak with that ?

Some of the pvc options look do-able. If I can finagle my way past the big 30gallon no till pots in my tent. :thinking:


Depends on your setup bud. A simple piece of cardboard leaned over the port can prevent a light leak. You could also look at ways to lower the RH in the room you are pulling air from to combat that issue. There are certainly many ways to tackle your issue. The negative pressure kits or diy on those would be the easiest if you have your stuff dialed in and you don’t want to mess with your environment.

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I have a window ac and dehumidifier in the lung room already so perhaps I don’t need as much air exchange as I think in the tent.

I think I will try turning the automatic off and just play with fan speeds, maybe turn the inline fan back on as well.

It’d be great being able to use clip on fans finally with out them being knocked askew. But that’s a whole nother topic.

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Just run some 6" black flex duct with a few bends in it through the port.


Thank you for whoever shared the idea about using a plastic coat hanger to push out the tent from the corners. Our fans always rub up against the walls when sucked in and is SUPER annoying. OMG GENIUS. Lol. Oh and I’m sure a wire coat hanger might work lol. @Mattman and I thank you!

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how do you keep them from breaking when you bend them around the tent frame. I went through a few hangers before realizing i doesn’t work.

We just use another lol, these ones nowadays are brittle. Or thicker one may be better. I think they make some thingys designed for this too.

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