New Canadian Cannabis Legalization Framework

Personally not to big of a fan of their recommendations

Salutations Lotus710,

My impression with the Liberals, even before elections day, has always been that they’re trying to account for pro-cannabic user needs as little as possible while continuously sending political messages to keep motivate their brave voter base - e.g. those same bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists who chose Harper previously, simply because sunny boy got his majority mandate thanks to them i figure.

Lets notice the “medical” consumers, for example, will be taxed according to that report’s recommendations and those were collected from a statistical sample which displayed some peculiar asymmetrical levels of representativity:

Somehow this obviously rejected two thirds of the Québec citizens who could have been expected to participate, or perhaps my population just didn’t get the news as a result of that same (so-called) language barrier which was also blamed for causing the delayed release of the present report (another political “message”?).

It appears Trudeau’s “Task Force” doesn’t mind about it a great deal, nor the simple fact that what may seem like a reasonable price-tag in western Canuck land makes no sense in places where there’s no such artificial economic boom. Not to mention Québec’s only LP is located right besides Ontario’s border anyway and we didn’t have any “dispensaries” until the Emery couple arrived from Vancouver:

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Mtl Gazette: Montreal pot dispensary attracts curious horde (2016-Dec-15)

With ZERO sympathy from mayor Denis Coderre…

Instead there’s been some “medical marijuana clinic”, once “open for business”, but don’t ask me if it’s still up and running. As i recall Montréal’s only “compassion club” was closed long ago.


An other noticeable item of the December report was its recommendation for a limit of four 1 meter-high plants, in self-cultivation cases. Which may be OKay if one happens to correspond to the “incidental” consumer category initially specified by the Liberal’s electoral platform (while the word “incidental” is actually absent from their nearly-equivalent French-speaking announce)…

Considering past interviews at TLMEP it should have raised early criticism when Justin tried his best to avoid clear pro-cannabic commitment(s), for example:


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SRC (TLMEP): Égoportrait (2014-Oct-19)​

Danny Turcotte: Ça a l’air qu’avec un p’tit joint d’mariwana… Whooo!!!
Justin Trudeau: C’est toi qui l’saurait Danny, c’est toi qui l’saurait!

While in front of a massive French-speaking Sunday night audience (on prime time national TV) mister Trudeau seemed satisfied to pretend he just wouldn’t know how that feels to enjoy a puff and listen to music, etc…

So much for “legaleezation”. Traditional media had their sensationalist moments, hence nobody dared to risk ruin that by asking more relevant questions… Not even from those who did remember all too well this other singular event in Québec’s mediatic environment:

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SRC: Tout le monde en parle (2014-Feb-23)​

This discussion started @ 12:14. MiniHarper promptly commented it’s no “dietary supplement” and worse: it hurts teenager brains - which is an opinion shared by his mother, apparently… Then he went as far as to claim society should still respect the habit of adults, even if Justin considers that’s a “bad” choice.

Then @ 13:21 we heard what everyone on planet Itnoc is used to hear today, relatively to: #1 “protecting” youth; #2 cutting profits for “organized crime”. Then this, which gives some fair hint what “legaleezation” will be like, eventually:

Lepage --> “Donc vous voulez nationaliser?”
Trudeau --> “Non, on veut réguler et contrôler pour que les gens doivent montrer les cartes d’identité…”

After being questioned on nationalization Trudeau said “No”, instead his party planned to “control & regulate” by requiring consumers to provide identity cards first. Consequently it’s safe to assume growers with 4 dwarf plants will be listed as well. Meanwhile bill C-37 is about to ban “designated devices”…

And now those sort of self-serving individuals are discussing democracy reform in Ottawa, euh…

Will they tatoo voters with a serial number now? I begin to wonder!



Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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