New Moderators and Leaders on board!

Congrats to our new leaders. We look forward to all you have to share and thanks for your service!!!


Only thing I’m jelly about is I want 3x the likes they get to give :sunglasses:


Oh boy - I now have super powers!?!?! Awesome!

Thanks for the vote of confidence @LemonadeJoe!


Running a forum is often a thanklss job and there’s a lot that goes on in the back ground. congrats to the new team appreciate the work that has gone into this forum and the work that will continue to go into it moving forward :+1:


You da man, Joe! And you got a GREAT site here, even if its just the opinion of a little guy!


Thanks Joe and the Mods. Love you guys. Thank you for all that yall do. Greatly appreciated. Im glad to call this home base. OG for life!:+1::v:


Hey there guys…Thanks for giving all your time on this site…This is a pretty special place, needing pretty special people to run it.

Good luck dealing with us moving forward…Hopefully it is smooth sailing for you.

Kind Regards,



Wow, doubled huh? I knew it was chugging along and adding a lot of people, but that’s pretty cool.

I should maybe start doing sit ups and stuff, huh?


I throw OG out there lightly because our city is so repressed on the cannabis. I dont want and I hate to say this. Turds on the site. I know I can be one but OG has always felt like an old folks home. I love old heads and the knowledge on this site by far greater than any.

Thank you guys. My grow improved by leaps from so many great guys. The only riff raff here is in my head phones.:blush::+1:


Congrats to all new leaders and Mods you’ll do great in the new position!


Man you’re hard on yourself, where you live doesn’t define who you are. It does have an effect, but it’s still a choice and you recognize that, as you are striving to make positive changes in your life man.

Personally, I think you are a great example of strength and comitment, of someone not allowing the negative effects of a crappy environment, to drag them back into its clutches.


I agree man. You come off as a really good hearted guy @Baltimore. We can’t control the people around us. As long as you create the world you want around you, it’ll rub off on others we hope. We’ve probably all lived someplace we weren’t fond of. Stay lifted! Peace.


It’s not necessarily a self-criticism; I’d gladly put a big OG logo on my car but – I drive like an asshole occaisonally :laughing: and the people in my town are :poop: :syringe: :pill: :beers: shit, so no need to invite mice with a cookie… :cookie: . . . … :mouse2: :wastebasket:



Hahaha. Im outa my tree…so is @cannabissequoia :joy:. So true. I hear the Joker in my head playing. Thats liiife, aint it funny how it goes. See the people here are cool. My family are the retards. I keep hydra shox in case hell freezes and some people get released.

Ive realized on my journey…finally. its all my fault. So just be easy, stay in your lane and enjoy the small things. Like this awesome site and people. Its my therapy and I hope OG stays around until we can really have our own cups and meets boxing matches?? hahaha. Later buds.:v:


Good job joe. I like the changes. Get it. Keep it OG


Rule #32 brother!!



I am, too, afflicted! As far as driving like a :poop:…its a part of me that I show to the world, that I wish I could get better at…


I haven’t figured out doing “quotes” with my phone, but what you said about “…its all my fault…” really resonated with me, as I have a similar, (I presume at least) view of my role in my life…I know that I am the source of problems and frustration in my life and the reason I KNOW this is because whenever something happens I have the control over my REACTION to that incident. I ALWAYS have the choice to be alright or not alright…EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And MAN, I wish I could say I mostly choose the to NOT react, but I do NOTHING BUT REACT, and normally, my reactions cause more problems than the initial thing, right? So, when it boils down to it, its up to me, how bad it can go, and THAT gives me, at least, some level of control over, basically randomness and absurdity…


Hehe, thats CLASSIC! Sit ups and such…I wonder what the Kegel definition of social-networking would be? Anti-carpal tunnel syndrome?


Hey guys. I think I need to resign my Leader status.

There are a number of reasons I dont want to go into, but the most relevant one is I find myself entirely too tempted to abuse my super powers. It might be fun for a short time, but would not be the wisest move. My ideas of the what/when/who/how as far as moderation goes, dont quite line up with the majority.

Im also going to back way off on visiting and posting on the site. Its selfish, but Im just not having much fun any more.

Take care and stay well my friends.