New Years Giveaway - CLOSED

Don’t you know they call it 16 now. You 8 her she 8 you 8+8= 16
Sorry I couldn’t help myself


29 thx and happy new year !

And when all of that’s done the final sum is going to be 96… because I gotta get out of these blankets and roll over or I’ll never fall asleep :sweat_smile:


I’m going with 18

I will go for :100:

Cheers and Happy New Year.

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33… and happy new year !


Ta! :fist:

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@YoBigdaddy does that mean you’re taking 16? Lmao


17 for the win :joy_cat:

52 please. Thanks!

very cool, ill give 91 a chance

Yes I do believe I will take 16 that’s probably as close as I’ll get to it tonight. and thank you very much for doing what you’re doing I’ll delete the 58 above


24 be the number my dice app says, after two other numbers pick already by other members.

74, I will take the number 74

Cool give away @BasementBeans . I’ll play and take 75.
Happy New Year!

Sounds cool I’m in like fly n
I will pick 44 for the win

88 the year of hate lol

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Thank you!

38 is my humble guess

Well, I had an ear infection so bad that year there was blood on my pillows… so yes!