New Year's Resolutions

Something everyone thinks about and tough to stand by.
I’ve got a couple of them
One is to drop about 20lbs, get back down to my 40’s weight.
The other one is and I’ve been thinking about this for a longtime have talked about it enough.
Now the time has come to act it’s just tough to do and it’s very addicting.
Leaving the boards.


Grow harder
Grow Larger
Eat healthy
Be happy

Side Note @OleReynard needs a private section on this board (invite only) for us to keep in contact with the OG…

Thats me


Live life and enjoy every moment

See what happens when you smoke weed :joy:


A worthy goal. I lost 20 pounds this year. I quit drinking. That 20 pounds was all beer.

As such, I feel no need to make New Years resolutions.



the same here @Foreigner …i will quit beer too to drop 10-15KG …i do not eat that much, so it must be the Beer !!! …and the easier Job,i got since 3-4 yrs (when i was a drywaller,i was not that fat LOL)

Happy New Year all !!!


No exercise, no other major lifestyle changes, just no beer. Well…I did distance myself from my drunken friends who were getting progressively worse.

Worth it.


@OleReynard, if this is your good bye from OG, I wish you and yours good luck and good health! I hope you’ll at least pop in occasionally and let us know you’re still alive n kicking.

My new years resolution is simply do better. 2019 was just about rock bottom for my family and I. Even ended with a bang as my wife just lost her financial aid yesterday due to not being able to keep up the past semester with having to take care of 4 kids and our friend we made the mistake of helping. Seems like every time one thing starts to get better something else goes down the shitter.


Rebuild the workshop…


I have had the same one for years… stop cursing.
That will continue until I break the habit completely. 2019 was a shit year financially. Want to fix that and drink more water. Nothing epic here


See that! I said shit. Aye aye aye! Better get them all out today


Working to fix my health so I could be a dependable father. My daughter is due in February and I have a list of health issues that would keep me from being alone with her for long periods. My wifey has been supportive through all this but it’s hard for her having to take care of me, and now also a baby.
I just need to get through the pain and this year is going to be great! I got a new tent :tent: and yes it’s small. But I’m gonna learn by watching all of you and asking questions.

I thank this community for being their for me and helping me with my questions (that you probably all heard 1000 times). You all take the time and will answer and it’s a community like this. That I’m proud to be accepted as a member.


5 past midnight here in England land. Happy New year to everyone here. You’re all awesome :sunglasses:


Happy New Year, all! My only resolution for this year is to get figured out and treat my God damned epilepsy. I go in for a seizure lab for 3 days on the 9th, and after that, I see the Neurologist February 2nd to figure out wtf we’re going to do.
Once the fits are controlled, we go in with Orthopedic and Plastic surgeons to rebuild my shoulder and make me a cyborg!
Really just being able to move the right side of my torso without pain again would be fucking lovely.


I’m quitting smoking tobacco and burning more cannabis.