New Year’s Resolutions 2024

What are everyone’s growing resolutions for the new year? What are we going to do or not do with purpose and intent in 2024 that maybe we never thought about or bothered with, or are finally going to improve the way we know it should be?

For me, my goals for 2024 as a grower, smoker, and increasingly someone interested in genetic diversity and open source preservation are something like:

-better IPM this year, more of a schedule, get an electrostatic fogger and use more KNF/JADAM foliars for systemic health and resilience

-make a better dirt storage system instead of a bunch of plastic storage bins that are all over the place, something permanent and designed to let the resting dirt breathe without drying out too fast

-use less electricity to grow the same amount and quality of cannabis, my costs are reasonable but I am poor in an expensive electric state, so optimizing every watt matters to me

-more seed expansions/open pollinations/pollen gathering and sharing with other users here: I have a lot of seeds that I feel like I both want to have around for a long time myself to explore, and also that I don’t know how many of them are still out there. Some of them have a popped up in other peoples vaults when discussing preservation runs in some of the threads so that’s great, and maybe I’ll get some other users seeds together for that. But I also have many others that I want to get to that o have not heard users mention or list in posts here

-make more hash, learn to do it better, get a more permanent setup for that, maybe a still air box of some sort like the mycology folks use. I have a lot of kif drifting around as I dry sift sometimes and it feels wasteful. I’m going to try some ice water and dry ice runs this year but mainly I want to get into refining the rough sift and cleaning it to make hot water bottle hash, I love the crumbly chocolate kind so much

-plan for outdoor better and have plants and plots ready, including getting people who want plants for the spring engaged and not leaving me pushing it happening. I want to help a bunch of people grow but last year was a bit more hand holding than I wanted to do. This summer I’ll just be doing seed runs in smaller tents and maybe a fem plant or two as trained out monsters but it’ll be mostly an outdoor season for the first time here.


Good luck with the resolution…mine is simple:
No more tobacco for me. I dropped the ciggis maybe two months ago and used vapes instead.
I also stopped mixing weed with tobacco (which proly was the reason why I never stopped smoking)
So far so good…now I gotta stop the vapes🤪


Nice idea, I’ve been thinking about this for a bit…

  • stick to a few proven and easy methods instead of trying new things every run
  • take it easy on the lungs with more rosin and edibles

Otherwise I’ll probably keep growing mostly OG beans with a few chucks here and there.


This one too! More vaping and edibles


These are great goals! I need to consider most of the things on your list.

I need to narrow down strains that I have that can finish before mid October. I’m thinking Sour Bubble or other Bog stuff.
I didn’t till or do much of anything for my outdoor plants this year and it showed. Less plants and more care I’m thinking. My poor tomatoes suffered too :grimacing:

-I need to do this also in a big way. Most of my bill is from my grow and I think if I can upgrade a couple old lights to more efficient ones I might be able to save some cash. Even if the bill doesn’t go down, I’m thinking they’ll provide better growth for the same price.

-I also need to post to my journal more than once a month!! Sometimes veg shots and early flower photos don’t get me jazzed up enough to post. I should at least post them for reference later.

-Personally, I need to stop being such a jerk to the people that love me. That’s going to be a tough one, we’re all a$$holes.

Hell yeah! I’m glad you’ve made it as far as you have, you got this! Cigarettes are my worst enemy right now.

Happy New Year, I hope everything goes well and you all stay healthy!


This may sound stupid but I want to become more “in tune” with my plants as they grow. I want to focus on peace and quietness of spirit and hopfully the plants will give that back to me. I need to become a better person and I believe that the plants can teach me how. :cherry_blossom:


Nothing wrong eoth that @Magu …good luck for it!


Not stupid at all. There’s a great video that sort of gives hope through photosynthesis (Now THAT sounds stupid as I am typing it lol) it’s called, “We are from the future” by Garret Johns or something like that.

I am along the same lines… I want to learn to get out of the way and stop assuming I know better than nature what my plants need. I would like to also start to create my own seed and seeing how deep the rabbit holes go, or what kind of directions I can take certain things, as far as breeding. Grew up in a red state, so I am fairly behind the line of progress, but I hope to shorten that gap with time and effort.

Happy new year all


BIG Year for changes here…
#1- Staying more positive
#2- Spending more time on my art/music/writing
#3- Learning to be more focused
#4-Taking better care of myself

Happy New Year All!


This year I’m growing in my own outside/greenhouse garden.
I don’t know where, I don’t know when, but it’s happening!!!

Of course it’s also gonna be legalized here in my country and in all of the EU.

So it is, I appreciate that it is so.


i’m going to become a secular franciscan. it takes three years but should be fun.


I’m looking for patients in my life have very little patience and I do not like that about myself.
I’m going to try not to worry about every little thing this year and hopefully just keep my mind and soul zen…



This is very much an issue I have I recognize as well. Been trying but it’s such a hard corner to turn. You’ve got this bro :facepunch:t2:


This year both in growing and everyday life i want to accept things for what they really are and not what i want, hope, or expect them to be.
Plants, family, situations, if i can implement this into my way of thinking ill be golden !


One of the toughest things in my experience, especially having patience with myself


I’m trying to work really hard, man. Stick to a schedule and find myself in a more permanent, secure and sustainable position by the end of the year. Collectively, we got this :purple_heart::muscle:t2:


If you really want to gain patience and insight, try this short book. “The cow in the parking lot”. It really helps.


Ty all
Really appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.
Just remember ladies and gents what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.
To Health and to patience!!!:beers::beers:

Amen to that sir…[quote=“Hashpants, post:18, topic:133888”]
If you really want to gain patience and insight, try this short book. “The cow in the parking lot”. It really help

I’m going to definitely give this book a try.:+1:


Something that made me change, and made me more kind to myself/others; “what if every single last person in the world was just like you? What would that be like?”.

At first I thought, uh, no traffic, less bullshit. But what happens when I’m angry/anxious…we’d all extinguish each other. That made me sad, and I wouldn’t exist.

I read “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” in school, and it helped some.