Non-Cannabis Seed Exchange - veg's, flowers, fruits, etc

I’m not sure of my exact lat\lon but I’m just north of St. Louis MO. So hot & humid I’d assume because if I let it, it would definitely take over the whole garden. I love chewing the stems they are so tasty lol


If you’d like just pm me an address and I’ll send Ÿ some. What will it hurt to see if they take. They don’t need much room so you could throw them in with any shorter growing herb like basil or parsley.


I live in alberta as well. I grow veggies indoors… well the wife does. Salad greens spinach tomatoes peppers. The seeds are easy enough to get but if you need some I still have quite a bit…


Awesome thank you brother! I think I’ll be pretty good this year,I haven’t had a chance to write up a list,I’ll have to go through what I have, welcome! Please let me know if I can help you out at all, hope you enjoy it here and stick around yeah brother!
I really like the idea of heirloom garlic and other harder to find hot peppers, peace and love yeah!

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Does anyone have an organic fresh piece of ginger they can send me? Or any good ideas where I might find some?

try asian grocery maybe? :thinking:


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I don’t know. I want to propagate it. Usually the store stuff is all dried out

Search engine says:



Here’s an addendum to my post. Pics of the baby jar and of the piece of petrified wood in my folk’s front yard that the local birds like to shit out some Tepin seeds into…


I thought it would be nice to have a place to discuss non cannabis seeds and root stock we have to trade or gift amongst ourselfs.

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Count me in. Strainaholism should not be tied to cannabis.
I’m planing to give away Open Source chili seeds this year. Have to grow them first though. :seedling:

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I have a bunch of Chinese mother’s wort seeds ,it’s a strong medicinal plant but I grow it because it attracts pollinators like crazy. Only down side is it can be invasive , it produces thousends of seeds or plant, if you cut it down right when the flowers wither away your fine if you let it go it will take over quickly.
I have a bunch of other seed to I’m getting into my garden box soon for pre spring germination and will put together a list of anything I have extras of.


I’m always looking for a veggie I can eat all the time, like chips, maybe freeze dry them and store them with boveda?

Yeah I need to get some Comfrey for tea this year. I’ll have a bunch of garlic late spring I could send a few bulbs around for anyone who wants to grow some. Shallots too. Also have a bunch of different succulents I can take cuttings from.

Have you tried making kale chips?

I have about 10 different species of hoya I could trade in the spring/summer when it’s warmer to ship. Cuttings or rooted, but ya gotta send me something of equal value :blush:

I’d take any hoya plant for plant, orchids (other than “moth” phalaenopsis from Walmrt/Ikea), any rare, threatened or endangered species, rare cuttings for cannabis, anything else that is cool or fun.

Also a bunch of Haworthia Fasciata too, maybe trade succulent for succulent?


Trading of cannabis seeds is quite beneficial because of the absurdly high prices of cannabis
seeds relative to non-cannabis seeds. (Of course this does not apply to bulbs, root stock or cuttings)
Some flower, veggies and herb seeds are substantially less than postage.
And they are far more homogenous than cannabis seeds on the market today.

For example Dollar General stores here in the US have seeds available at 4 for $1.
I have tried about 10 different seed packs from them, and found germination rates of about
75% compared to $3 to $5 packs which are close to 100%, otherwise all grew some nice plants.

Caveat— do not buy the potting mix or seed starting mix from Dollar General. Really, really bad stuff.



I have never heard of these, but love that they are native and protected in some areas. I’d like to grow some and keep them going. I no longer have an outdoor garden area, but I do garden in large patio containers. I’m Z 6a, so I just have have the Summer to grow. If you’d be inclined to share with me, I’d like the opportunity. What a nice offering!

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Strictly medicinal seeds is a great source for many rare and medicinal plants including veggies, they still have seeds in stock when most other big companies are sold out or shut down


Bump for future use… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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