Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm.. *reborn* (Part 5)






I have also seen a rat taxidermy pencil case. There was a pencil sharpener in the butt “as nature intended” according to the narrator. That guy had an English accent though, Manchester if I had to guess. Maybe he moved to Oregon to live his dream as an even weirder than usual taxidermist?

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In Highschool-- I slipped on an icy curb an fell-- shattering my lower spine…
Recovered real well-- but no one warns you that- that kind of injury comes back to haunt you as you get older!

My Mom has osteoporosis-- THAT shit scares me…and I’ve unfortunately inherited it.
She’s broken her spine 3x, all her ribs (not all at once) her arm, her leg stepping down off a bus, and her hip + femur slipping in the driveway…
She breaks ribs just bending into the trunk of the car for groceries!

Getting older is NOT or the faint of heart-- or those who don’t take good care of themselves when they are young!!


About damned right…
Except…it’s not a Lemon…it’s a Citron…that gross candied crap some people put in fruitcake…

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Outta likes.


I would love to have this doorbell!

Asshole doorbell

On a completely unrelated but somehow similar note, when I lived in the country, one time, a guy gave me five stand up urinals. I used two of them for pig feeders. They worked exactly as I had planned. They were roomy enough to feed four pigs and they stayed firmly in place. But that left me three urinals. One day, a friend, with his wife standing right there beside him (mistake!!) said he’d take one. You see, his house was kind of hidden behind a little hillock and it was very easy to miss his driveway if you weren’t familiar with it. So he proposed putting one of the urinals there next to his mailbox. That way, he said, he could tell folks to “just turn into the driveway at the first urinal on the right!” His wife, Teddy, did not find the idea all that hilarious! Frank even said he planned to plant flowers in the drain, giving it more of a “homey” kind of feel. I still had three urinals when they left.

Mean while in “unusual” taxideryville…


Go figure…probably at our neighbors house…

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Hey, I’ve seen French cars and that is not a French car, in Canada or anywhere else! ROFLMAO

Awesome! Thank you so much for identifying that correctly. d8JBdDJ I would have simply believed it was a freak lemon, and I guess it probably is, but not in the sense I allude to.

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Excellent start to a story ahaha.

I would have flipped them upside down and made 3 “bathtub” Mary’s.

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I don’t understand this allusion. Could I ask you to explain it to my ignorant old self? Thank you!

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I agree, it doesn’t seem that mysterious. I, however, think we “killed” them by out competing them. Our larger brain allowed us to think our way to dominance. And like every mammalian species (and some others), mated females are sometimes impregnated in “sneaker attacks” by individuals not of that pack/clan/pride/etc.


Basically a shrine to Mary, but in a bath tub.
From Wikipedia:

A bathtub Madonna (also known as a lawn shrine , Mary on the half shell , bathtub Mary , bathtub Virgin , and bathtub shrine ) is an artificial grotto typically framing a Roman Catholicreligious figure.

These used to be EVERYWHERE around here, not really the norm anymore.


All you youngsters out there, you should listen to this. Seriously. Getting older is simply not all that much fun.


Thank you! I’ve learned something I might otherwise have never been introduced to.

I’m kind of shaking my head at myself in disbelief having not understood the religious reference on my own. As at least a third generation atheist, that just flew right above my head! :+1:

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In most cases, it was probably just competition for resources that slowly caused attrition. Interbreeding would have been a factor too. When they were actually serious competition, they might have been killed, but it’s not like it was some organized campaign of genocide. Just that Cro-Magnons were more aggressive in general.

Interesting bit of trivia, though, apparently Neanderthals had about 15% larger brains on average. They might not have been more intelligent, tough to tell. I seem to remember reading that they had smaller, or perhaps no prefrontal lobes and therefore couldn’t manipulate symbols. They were probably better with processing visual stimuli, though.


Only knew it cuz my Mom used to candy it for her fruitcake- until she realized no one really LIKED it…

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Also-- like almost ANY ‘usurping’ race, it s believed that all other early Hominids disappeared due to forced in-breeding.
Like invading forces later on- they ‘‘got rid of’’ existing peoples and their cultures by killing, enslaving and raping…

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