Octopot Grow System

Here is my first try with an octopot . The ceilings are 8 ft and already suppercropped 7 branches Frankenstein x ppp


Welcome to the crazy world of Octopots the one thing they do is get big and beastie
You’ll love the ease of them
Your plant looks great by the way
Super cropping , list , mainline or scrog is the best bet to control hight



Finally got a pic with lights on. Life is a little crazy right now.

Grand Daddy Purp tied down and spread out.

Bubba Kush. This plant is the biggest in the tent. Even tied down, she just doesn’t want to stay small.

21 days from flip. Other than the one Bubba Kush, this is the best canopy management I have accomplished yet. The Octo’s are saving my ass. Only having to fill the rez every week has been huge right now!!


Great job bro
They look amazing

I normally do mainline style now RH was a big problem ! I fined that the yield is about the same but the les vegetation is a plus for air circulation



Looking excellent full use of your tent .


Oh! That is f*cling clever! The control tank with the float valve is a genius way to have the gravity feed the system!
Really nice work!!! :heart_eyes:

Do you have a link to the type of float valve you used? I am really interested in this one!


This is nice I will pick yours and @Nagel420 brains on how to make one for my large Octopots

Also nagel420 the nj chapter of OG is long over due for a sesh session

I definitely need to make one of those



I hesitate to post a string of AmaZonian links, but here are the names of the major pieces of the system. Use whatever Tubs & Controller tanks & Rez you have around, but here’s search terms for the essential plumbing.

Water Filter Float Ball Valve 1/4 Inch Adjustable Float Valve Plastic Water Tank Float Valves for Ponds, Water Pump, Water Trough, Aquariums, Aquaculture, Water Tank, Reservoir (4)

Water Filter Float Ball Valve 1/4 Inch Adjustable Float Valve Plastic Water Tank Float [Visit the Mudder Store]

ZAOJIAO Tube Bulkhead Connector Push Fit Quick Connect for RO Water

Malida 1/4 inch O.D. Length 32.8ft(10 meters) RO Water Tubing, Hose Pipe for RO Water purifiers System,+ 1/4 O.D quick connector 10pcsf

Malida 1/4 inch Plug for RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Fittings Valve (10 pack)

That’s most of the stuff anyways.

PS, you can mostly ignore the specific brands (Malida, etc.) The fittings all seem to be built to the same specs.


o-christmas tree, o-christmas tree!


Upon making more octo-mesh thingies

34 inches of mesh length, 18 inches in height make it fit perfectly in the rez

oh and make sure the wire of the mesh, the outside goes vertical wire, not horizontal wire, otherwise youll never get it out of the rez, itll latch on and never let go.

Putting the netpot in is a pain in the ass, but after a little man handling, it’ll go where you need it.

I would recommend the 2x1 mesh vs the 1x1 i got here, its a pain in the ass to work with when this dense.


VERY slick!! I like that setup. everything makes sense. I’ve 4 of these things, I could convert one to be the control and have the other 3 fed from outside the tent.

they would work wonderful for photos. oh boy, here i go tinkering again. lol

love the thread. thanks @GrouchyOldMan !

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guess they have a new sleeve design


That made me smile! :+1: I can relate.

So, maybe we should make a thread to share ideas and troubleshoot the Octopot auto fill idea? This thing I’m playing with would work with the Big Brother Octos too.



Octopot DIY Mods?

i just saw on this thread.

( There are 713 replies with an estimated read time of 61 minutes.)


The grow bags I have are so much bigger than those. Like three time the size lol. Oh man maybe it’s time to get the smaller grow bags

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I have been having burnt/brown edges and tips on my fan leaves both grows in Coco Loco now using Fox farm nutrients and their feed schedule at 1/4 strength. So I’ve only been adding about 2.5 ML per gallon of their Calmag when the feed schedule calls for 10 ml per gallon. I racked my brain and could only think of calcium and magnesium deficiency so I did foliar feed twice with organic unsulfured blackstrap molasses, and the plant shot up but still ended up with burnt edges and tips.

I’m glad I found this thread, it appears the Coco loco may be binding to my calmag and my plants are not getting enough. Thanks to the poster Syn for clarifying the for me even further. I’m going to foliar your feed with Cal mag today and up the amount in the tank.

Should I go full strength 10 ml per gallon or even more? Thanks for any input!


New growth seems to still have brown/bunt tips. It’s in the light and the shade. The lower leaves turn yellow first. I was only using 1/4 strength nutrients on Foxfarms Hydro feeding schedule. Started using full strength calmag due to Coco loco and what Syn was saying, and it’s looking like a potassium deficiency. I upped the nutes to 1/3 strength, but a potassium deficiency and nutrient burn are so similar, I can’t decide if I should add more or less. The yellow leaves on the bottom tell me to add more from the research I’ve done. Maybe I need to try Sunshine Mix 4 instead. No solid answers or solutions I can find anywhere, still just in the dark here for months. Other people with similar problems in Octopots post questions, but there never really is closure or a solution I can find.


Hi there
I don’t use coco

That being said please post pic

Have you checked ph ?

Don’t just start adding things , let’s look at the plant and try to determine the issue

Burnt tips could be a few things
Is there enough air circulation, imho w far is your lights away from the plants ?

Sunshine 4 is a great mix !!!
Most of us are more familiar with Octopots and promix
But I know @Syn has used coco before and @GramTorino

But no reason to scrap all your work just because of some issues
We all have issues growing

How old are the plants

Need more information


WOW, looks like Octopot is being discovered. Run them for years, listen to Chris(owner) and do EXACTLY as he says, there will be no issues. About to start a run with them myself.


Yeah bro there’s the new big thing lol

What are you going to run anything interesting :thinking: