OG Member's Count, how many are there?

200k people may have signed in, but 150K were sock puppets!
What a bashers ball it was back then!
Glad all that is over for the most part, just some site mites here and there for the most part.


I’ve visited here everyday since I’ve joined, and I’m probably on here at least 3 to 4 hours a day throughout multiple visits. I spend most of my day taking care of my grandmother so I’m on my phone a lot when there’s down time, and this place is my go to lol. I like reading and seeing what everybody is growing. Its fascinating, so many strains, colors, flavors, smells, etc. I dont have a social life anymore because of my aging loved one so this is what keeps me sane and connected to people. Just wanted to say thank you and I love you all :slight_smile:


There are only 138 regulars? I would have thought many more than that… interesting.


The number changes but not significantly, people are promoted but also demoted, I believe they are the core of this site … beer3|nullxnull


Pleased to be among that crew, but I am also a bit surprised at the number.

Doesn’t that suggest that the level 3 bar might be set a little high?



it took some time… 8 months or so for me as I’ve only been around since January this year but I don’t think it was too bad and I really do appreciate the community. Big credit to @DefNSmokn and @other_barry for putting me onto OG.


I for one would not be thrilled with 6 times the membership base joining up all of a sudden…Sounds like an incredible burden on the server that currently runs so well. I am thinking it would cost a fortune to upgrade the server and storage to accommodate it.


wasnt the server upgraded a couple of years ago? if i remember correctly but maybe not :thinking:


Just wondering how many members are here at overgrown now anybody know?


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Hey man I care take and am disabled I feel ya I’m on here all the time. It truly is a great place. Great people, like you. Make it this way.


Looks like ejem|nullxnull, eight months later there are only 18 more and I’ve been demoted… frech|nullxnull

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OG is my home page, I’m always logged in lol.

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i added it up to 9799 users right now between basic, member, regular emeritus (since regular would add the extra 158). i wonder how many are inactive?

What’s the current Count for people here on OG where do you find that ? Thank you hope everyone’s well happy memorial day