How many members?

I’m curious about how many members OG has now . I know back in the day I could see the membership numbers and watch the membership grow . Are the numbers available and I’m not looking in the right place ? Membership seems to be expanding faster and faster . A good thing i think .


I think the real count is how many “active” members we have, the other count is useful for sponsors and advertisers. I use to read the “Introduce yourself” thread and then check the profiles to see if they stay in or not. I agree the family is growing, but prior to statistics I prefer to see new faces and meet good people while reading them, that’s what’s important for me … beer3|nullxnull


Lots of “Grab and Dashers” (new and old with sleeper accounts) is what I see.

I have no problem with people asking for seeds, my peeve is with those that only create accounts to get seeds and not participate with the OG fam


I work with a volunteer theatre, and in doing so have gone over and over the importance of counting just the right numbers. We may have x number of volunteers, but only 10% ever volunteer in a useful capacity. That’s the number I want to grow, rather than the total.

But ultimately that just gets down to judging people, saying who is better than someone else… If the site stays true to itself I’m happy. More the merrier.


Yep easy enough for folks to keeep making new profiles,keep it active 2weeks get seeds and bail and make another account…Like life in general there are givers and takers and for the most part OG has alot more that chose to give than take.I will take my karma giving and sharing those that grab and dash can deal with their karma.


makes me wonder how many of the soloberry testers are the “grab and dash” type. must be a few i would imagine.


I see your point, it happened to me with a member that was just participating in the auctions, I was pissed off with that but now I must apologize with him as he is an active and valuable member. Unfortunately, it is an exception to the rule … :sunglasses:


Definitely. But good to see lots of people growing them out! Hoping for some good females over here!!!


As of today:


About 12K user site visits over the past 30 days. This does not include non-logged in user visits.

New user sign-ups fairly consistent at approximately 30 per week.


That’s what I was looking for . Back in the day you could see theses numbers and see the site population growing . I was just curious . I watched the membership increase so quickly back then . I was thinking its increasing really fast again . And Im late to the party this time .


Just detected a couple of them (one with bot name :grin:) Simply check their profiles and where and what they post … ejem|nullxnull


There’s probably some reasons to not publish this information regularly … which I won’t get into.

Growth is good but there is something of a sweet spot. Too much too fast or alternatively too slow, neither are good. We want to attract the good folk and, for the most part, I think we’ve done fairly well. Great veteran OG’ers mixing it up with the newer folk.


I guess i’ll have to look through the list. There are 26 to look into.


:nerd_face: being 1 of 83 is like being ‘7 of 9’…almost. …those 28ers are mostly retirees… :rofl:
