Phosphorous deficiency

I couldn’t find any good photo’s of phosphorous deficiency so here you go.
Top left not to bad and bottom right horrible.


This might need to be moved to FAQ somewhere to save space. I don’t know.

I can move it… where ya want it?

I just don’t know if it stays here, or goes to FAQ?

I’m glad you shared this, I am seeing this in bloom right now.

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I think its good right here.


phosphorus deficiency or calcium
What is your roots and humidity like?
Are you using any base products with calcium nitrate in it?

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That was from a plant that i kept in veg too long and flowered in a pot too small. There wasn’t any good photo’s of phosphorous deficiency so i loaded these. Thank you for offering help that is very generous. :grin:

Thanks for sharing a pic is worth a thousand words!

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