Severe Deficiency. Require Assistance

Hey everyone I’m having some problems with a couple ladies I got going. They are different strains and they’re all showing the same problem so I’m sure it’s some kind of deficiency. Hoping someone here has seen the same thing.


The plants are healthy looking otherwise.


What are you feeding them? At what strength and frequency as well? Easier to figure what’s wrong with them when we know how they’re eating


My money is on , they have been on grow nutes ( higher n ) all this time and the change to bloom nutes if it hasn’t happened already ( higher p and k ) will sort it out , but I’m just guessing : )
Like toasty says more info would be nice : )


Exactly, what lights, what light cycle, nutrients, watering, where on the plant it is happening. The whole garden picture looks fine to me. It’s not uncommon for some of the older, shaded leaves to do this.


I think it’s phosphorus deficiency. But thanks anyways

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Yeah man you’re right they’ve been on veg nutes. I’m pretty sure it’s P def

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Easy fix , now you’ll sleep better : )

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Without any info at all, I can say either over or under watered, as the leaf looks like the brown bits are collapsing and crisping or they drooped and you perked them back with full feed causing a salt build up in the leaves causing them to brown up…

Or as @ReikoX stated, possibly just chlorosis in the middle bits and lowers as they are getting shaded and no longer being used except by the plants for a bit more food… nothing I see says P deficiency or hungry really, for that matter, but yea… maybe switch to a bloomier feed and see how they do


I agree 100%… The upper half of the plant looks great.

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