Pollen thread

Hello my fellow enthusiasts!

Since we share our seeds, is there also a thread/ place to share pollen?

I used the search function but couldn’t find any.

Why I ask is obvious I guess lol I’d like to have some regular and/or fem pollen to pollinate the spear-pheno of the lady cane and maybe also the Bubba kush when the time is right.

One of our generous members here gifted me some pollen a little time ago which I successfully used on my chronic/cheeseberry and the salmon river og. I was able to collect some seeds, not thousands but all around a hundred seeds each.

Of course I’m willing to send some of the created seeds as compensation.

So if somebody is interested please let me know!

Best regards


Pollen is tricky as storage is important to maintain viability.

I’d choose the youngest stock you can find unless an old hat can convince you of their extended storage methods.

I’ve been skunked by pollen before.


Yeah, I understand. When the former mentioned pollen arrived it was like enough to seed a big grow room, I used a lot of it but ended up with ‘just’ a 100 seeds each. While I’m sure the storage was 100% correct on donator side, the long way, temperature changes and maybe my handling had a lot of influence.

Perfect storage is a must if one wants to trade/share imo. There are some threads about it for everyone interested.

What was your last pollination attempt and didn’t it work out completely or was there at least a little amount of seeds?


When I produced and offered some pollen I was surprised by the number of folks that were interested.
Same for Doug, the demand was even more ‘robust’ :smile: :+1:

Enough to get me thinking along the same lines as yourself.



That sounds right up my and hopefully many more alleys :smiley:

What your experience storage length?

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I think 3 months+ is the longest that’s been reported back to me.
I use a drying box to desiccate the pollen then vacuum pack and refrigerate.
I have some long term pollen (from a crap male) I’m going to test this winter.



I was one of the lucky recipients of Doug’s Sour Bubble pollen. Received it end of May this year, and it went immediately into the freezer. Plan to use it on my next grow (starting in the next couple of weeks), so I’m looking at 4+ months before I use it. Should be good, and I’ll post the results here at OG.


Great thread, btw. I’m one of those who was initially drawn here to OG looking for some pollen. This thread would have been nice to have, but even so, the generosity of OG members allowed me to get hooked up pretty darn quick.


Free seeds and clones thread or trade thread are where I would ask for pollen but nothing wrong with it having its own thread.


You are using the exact techniques for storing pollen as ive used. Longest period of pollen stored that still worked out was two years.


Yeah, I got hooked pretty quick too lol
I’m looking forward to your report on the pollen! Maybe this can become a general thread for pollen related stuff and of course sharing

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Yeah i would be happy to send some pollen around when everything is up and running for me!

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Here’s a sketchy outline of what I’ve been doing:



Here are some of the threads that came up when I did a search. I hope this helps;

Pollen drying and Storing

best way to collect, store, use and mail pollen

harvesting pollen

:green_heart: :seedling: