Purple blotches on outdoor plants

What book is that from Upstate. Looks super handy!

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@Haggis its not thorough, but it’s a good one to have alongside some others. It doesn’t show the different looks plants can get from the same deficiency, or from more than one. I like that it has actual photos, but wish they were of cannabis leaves. The book is called " what’s wrong with my marijuana plant"
I bought it because it’s only book I’ve seen that showed pics of purple shoots as phosphorus deficiency.

Thanks Brother. I presumed the name was just a chapter name listed on the pages, Doh!

Ordered a copy on back order as it was out of stock on the UK Amazon site, Must be a lot of new growers in the UK this summer :joy:

I hear you on the photos, Mostly what I need a good visual reference when problem solving.


This is the situation which has been arising the last couple of years, and always see leafhoppers just prior to black death starts showing…


I have been steady fighting my with fish bone meal about 2-3 weeks ago and applied a calcium spray along with a zinc and magnesium foliar spray…we shall pray

I dunno if links to reddit are allowed, but this looks like what you guys are dealing with.



IF that is what you have, leaf hoppers and all, i did too.

I sprayed with this and it went away, which leads me to believe the hoppers are what spreads it!


I cut off the affected areas and did keep spraying with a safe spray for vegetables, but I definitely see this as an issue which will increase exponentially now that the virus is clearly here now. All of my local crew are aware/experienced this also…

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Thanks, quite interesting, so it’s the same black death @Fullcircle mentioned? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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I’m 100% sure.

Those are pics from my yard last year and the fuckers that spread it.


I remember digging around the web looking for treatments for phytoplasma when it hit me, there’s seemingly lots around ON lately.

A ton of ideas that didn’t work and one that did, sorta.

The treatments often involved trimming the affected areas and peroxide or alcohol sprays, which do nothing except make your plant small and sad.

One involved using Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) dissolved in water, spryed on affected areas, which stopped the spread for me and seemingly killed it over a few weeks.

I had a bit of a mite problem a few months back and mixed up a batch of @JohnnyPotseed approved “one and done” mite, thrip and all things crawly killer (amazing stuff since it does not harm or stunt the plant at all!). Anyone who’s made it will know you get enough to rid a small farm of all insect life…so i had some left over after spraying my 4x4 & 3x3.

I saw a little phytoplasma on my outdoor Bubba Kush (Matt Berger cut) about a month ago and thought if ASA works, maybe the acidic nature of Johnny’s miracle bug eradicator would too?

I hosed ALL my plants down with it.

No more Phytoplasma.

No more leaf hoppers.

Happy HAPPY looking plants.

Here’s a link to the study i found on ASA to treat Phytoplasma in plants.



Last year was the first time I ever saw those blue and red leaf hoppers, last year was also the first time I ever saw purple blotches.


I just seen these on my plants the other day wondering what they were !
Upon further reading on that reddit app I think we are onto something …I have noticed a few varieties around …so here’s something to dwell over …a clone I have had in the window sill has taken on the purple tops … one plant out of them all doesn’t show ant Ill effects …it’s deff narrowed down to @Yetigrows and @Upstate theories…in my particular case I’m leaning towards a combination of both …
Haven’t posted recent pics of this year’s outdoor but I will take pictures …for science :upside_down_face:


After watching your pics I was going to tag you icon_e_confused|nullxnull, have you seen any of those colorful leafhoppers around? beer3|nullxnull

Those pictures are showing a phosphorus deficiency. Usually plants that have the deficiency dont show it til the onset of flowering. If the problem is bad and it persists there will be no flowers, Just clumps of leaf. I had it happen to me when I planted a crop of cannabis and an old pile of horse manure, Which is notoriously low in calcium. That first year I couldn’t figure it out and I had no harvest. I moved my plants To a new spot, but used to good amount of that horse manure, And I had the same issue. This time I found a book showing what my plants had. Hydrated lime is the quick fix. There is a thread about it with a picture from a book I have. When I used it on my plants, it definitely didn’t Bother them, though This form of lime Harm’s micro life.T
Plants were outdoors in the ground. Flowers began to form normally within a couple Weeks.
We have those leaf hoppers in New York and they never seem to Cause any damage. They just seem to hang out On the plant in pairs.Purple blotches on outdoor plants

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I disagree.

Phosphorus deficiency shows in old growth first, not new.

This is on a few random select buds, always new growth,

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I’ll show you a picture when I get home


Very true which is why it stumped me as well.
The thing is, those upper "leaves "are in a manner if speaking, buds.The plants just keeps making more and more of them, eventually covering them with resin…sort of like a bud. Whoever started that other thread had the same issue and hydrated. Lime fixed his problem as well.
I was so stumped by the problem I actually put my buds in a box and I might still have some to take a picture of them… It was the most fucked up mass of purple leaves I ever saw and it was not smokable.
I think the phosphorus problem is tied to calcium somehow. Horsemanure is notoriously Low in calcium and the other grower was also using horse manure.

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Lime is acidic, which is my solution too.

Also, i only sprayed ONCE, problem gone.

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I saw the picture of the purple shoots and talk of some sort of bug spreading disease. It’s not a disease spread by a leafhopper…
I never did exactly figure out the cause of the problem… as in, what was it about the soil that caused the issue, just the solution. Only the book “how to fix my marijuana plant” showed the purple shoots like In the photo above and said it was phosphorus deficiency. I figured that potentially calcium was locked out or missing somehow and it was preventing phosphorus from being used by the plant though it was there in the soil.
Every time I use lots of this horse manure In my soil My plants look like this, but only if I use this horse manure.

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