QB96’s or strips?

Yeah man, that looks like it’s the best option available. If you can find them in stock, the normal 1" width gen 3 strips are a tiny bit better with heat dissipation, but otherwise they’re about the same.
The part number for that one is: BXEB-L0560Z-35E2000-C-C3 or you could go for the 90cri variant that is BXEB-L0560Z-35G2000-C-C3, but that’s rarely in stock.

Here are the datasheets for both the Slim Gen 3 and the normal Gen 3 versions just so you can see what I’m talking about.

DS132 Bridgelux EB Series Gen3 Data Sheet 20190617 Rev A.pdf (963.2 KB)

DS171 Bridgelux EB Series Slim Gen3 Data Sheet 20190620 Rev A.PDF (980.6 KB)

LEDGardener forums have tests of the 2700k 90cri version of those Slim Gen 3 strips and show them to be an outstanding performer, especially for the money.

In my first reply above, follow the link to the DIY builds at LEDG, scroll down to the 3x3 section and follow the build labeled “Bridgelux Gen. 2 BXEB-L0560Z 2′ LED Strip Build – 3’x3′” It uses 15x strips and a single HLG-320H-20A or B or AB driver with a pot you can wire remotely. You should use angle aluminum instead of the heatsinks it recommends - those strips don’t need the extra mass from the heatsinks and the angle aluminum is both cheaper and lighter weight and easier to work with.

The only other suggestion I have is to buy the thinner width thermal tape if you go with the Slim strips, and then either use nuts & bolts with plastic washers to help secure the strips, or just zip tie them to the angle alum in addition to the thermal tape.

That should be all you need to know about the build, but if you have questions, I’d start a topic on the forums over there, or ask in the thread here Cheap LED Strips : A Viable Alternative - #577 by Mr.Sparkle