Recommendation for lights for my slow down tent

Looking to create a tent to slow down growth and start seedlings and clones on the cheap. I have some mothers and veg plants that are growing faster than my schedule allows and I am running out of space. I have a cheap tent with shelves and I was thinking of putting a 2 ft led strip on each shelf. The shelves are on the sides. Then reserving part of the middle of the tent for a mother or two. Maybe hang a couple of the 2 ft strips from the ceiling for the mothers. I would love to keep it cheap as possible and since I want to slow down growth I was thinking a cheaper set of lights might be just fine. Considering something like

Love to hear thoughts or recommendations. Is this a stupid idea?


4ft 14,5 watts
But in 2 ft


wouldnt it be easier to just prune the plants?? weak light will just make the plant grow lankier to search for more light.


If you wish to slow growth on your plants just top them. That way you get the added bonus of more colas while slowing down and controlling growth. Just a thought.


just thought of this. keep plants in smaller containers. i keep my plants in less than 1 gal fabric pots and they’re about 15inches 3 weeks into flower :grin: :+1:


Yes and yes! I agree with both of these. Great tips that I will and have been employing. However, I also need another zone, tent, or area to hold the overflow so it will need lights. The grow lights I have been buying are a bit pricey. I have a couple bonsais that I will use as moms as well. Currently flowering a bonsai that has been in a 2 inch deep pot its whole life. I cannot believe how fat the main stem is. Way fatter than the 4 gallon pot plants I am also flowering now.

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how much money is pricey?? all grow lights gonna have “canna tax” on them.

Just top em or keep ‘em in small pots. You can keep a plant small in a solo cup for awhile. I’ve got 2 solo cup plants that are like a month old and 3 of the same age in 1 gallon growbags. My veg tents a 4x4 with 3 generic 120w leds. Everything in here’s about a month old. Excuse the droopy lady in the back I forgot to water her last nightUploading: 358CD881-74C2-4781-B633-C52F2EF97FF7.jpeg… Uploading: B635D097-1C3F-4894-9C43-381C7F5E51B9.jpeg…

If you type led grow lights on Amazon and filter by price you’ll find something to fit your budget

These are discontinued but they were $50/ea

Check out the best deals thread on rollitup


Reduce food, T5 sticks are cheap, top them.


There’s a few different cob ( cree ) lights out there and I nearly bought a 400W ‘Phlyzon’ led lights ( wrong spelling.). :arrow_upper_right: CHEAP AS …

The one I was gonna pay only £65 ( i made him the ‘offer’. Lol.) but i cancelled due to my electric and gas bills came in - Wow, it’s nearly x4 times what I usually pay for electricity and I don’t use much gas .!! Greedy B’stads .! ( Electricity Company can go suck a bag of dicks …!.).

Rant over. Haha

Anyway back to the light it’s all over eBay and you can get them at different Wattage etc.
I DIDN’T buy it ONLY because I have a lot of lights already, a few aren’t used yet either.

I think it’s called the ‘Phlizon 2000 series and it’s roughly 400W at £69:99 - cheapest i could find…
It’s a decent light for the cash. ( imo anyway.).
They also have a 500W model for just £109.00.

They are older ‘tech’ but the prices for the amount of light is great :+1:.

Good luck with your light buy …!
Happy growing peeps.


Here’s a wee pic with my ‘Protech 430W light in it ( 456 actual draw.) :point_up:


I usually put £80 a month for just growing @Gaz29 . It’s now up to £120 a month. Ridiculous price hike. :-1:

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I’m looking to keep parents, and prized phenos mothers in a reduced-growth tent.
reduced-growth: to keep them the longest without optimal conditions to avoid growing giant trees fast and reduce pruning need.

I know this:

Not much about light: just that you need the minimum, ~25WLed per square feet (~30cm2)… very close to the top of the plants. Or so that the plants don’t stretch to get closer to the light.

GrowMedium: Soil is slowest.

Pot size: Bonzaiiiii (cups, smallest pot, wide and short)

Temps: Cooler is slowest.
Cooler temps = slower drinking (and cell division) = slower growth and more eco.

Topping to control height and slow the plant growth (and or to multiply the tips to prepare for clones cuts).

Additionnaly: watering very late, makes you loose some growth (for the days of drought), but it boost growth after watering/rain… like it’s caching up… (at least when temps are warm) (I have to test with cooler temps)