Movies to watch when you’re high top picks Strange Brew, UHF, Half Baked, Mallrats and Clerks.
i love this movie!!
Anyone else see this? Boondock Saints
The second one is great too
First time I saw this movie I thought it was a whitey Bulger movie until the end…a lot of similarities
Quality movie I personally think Reggie should have caught a bullet in the end
It’s a good show. Back in the early 90s stealing cars and joyriding was a way of life for most teenagers. It became a massive epidemic and most weekends there was something on the news about someone dying or killing someone else with a stolen car.
That’s hilarious film lol
They have good intentions but it doesn’t work!
You can never tell anyone to cumpulsory do something.
What they end up doing is sacrificing other things that are maybe compensating the bad effects of there sin😉
Which reminds me of a good film butterfly effect 2 prefered it to 1
I saw the first one with Ashton Kitchener I’ll have to check out the second
Got drive one of these in the US(left hand drive):
I wouldn’t recommend smoking film but Star Trek is pretty good.
Merkur xr4ti a friend had one of these and there taurus the Scorpio
Fantastic Planet
Not available to view the video for some reason mate. Im gonna do a touch more digging now to see if I can find one I can view
YouTube says you can watch it for $2.99
This may work out for you.
Speak French?
I don’t speak French too well (no one with a mancunian accent does) but I can understand it to an extent. It’s showing up on the BFI website. Actually sounds like a good film too
Found one with English subtitles.
I saw it in theater when it first came out.
Dude, one of my all time favorites.
The two main characters are father and daughter irl, and go cross country grifting.
I had forgotten about Paper Moon. Very funny movie and Tatum stole it.