Reservoir top ups

How do you guys do topping of reservoir when It Is less than half?I use Coco nutrients and Canna specifically.

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I always emptying all water, wash the reservoir and fill it up again with correct amount of nutes for the week. I also clean the pump and/or airstones. I clean the piping aswell.

Why I do this is because I don’t want to have random pH swings or anything malicious growing. When I started doing hydro at home, I never cleaned anything and after awhile I always got trouble. After doing this I’ve never had problems again if the water is moving. That’s why I like rdwc instead of dwc. Moving water and regular cleaning is how you never get into problems.

Pz :v:t2:


I just fill a bucket with tap ,add calmag , add food etc then dump it in Rez and ph Rez again
I find the extra chlorine in top up tap helps Rez not get funky as quick : )
I’m flood and drain Mapito tho so I only ph then feed every 2-3 days

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I top off with ph adjusted filtered water during the week; but at max 2 week intervals I totally drain the system and then mix up a fresh back of nutrient solution for replacement.

I’ve found on a 8 week flower run I can go every 2 weeks with nutrient top offs after week 1 but anything after week 2 results in a bad mix as the plant takes what it needs from the solution so i’ve never heard/read anyone being able to go into week 3 without SOME form on issue presenting shortly after due to the missing elements.


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Thank you friend,I really like your main thread,It Is wonderful.I am actually using my reservoir as external Drain to waste style,so the plants would not change the npk ratios.

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