Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 1)

we have water pumps here in the forest preserves, my plan when starting to grow was to use that water (people are always there filling up gallons) for my plants. turns out the ppm was like 950 so i figured that can’t be good.


1400-1500 ppm at the tap here (don’t know whats in it) lol… good ol Mohave County. We had two R.O.'s and the dogs drink what we drink for sure. I’ve tasted tap once during summer and our water line broke. My hose line is on a different line from the house itself so I filled a cup real quick. Worst Idea ever. Tasted awful. Don’t even want to know whats in it. Too boot since I’ve been redoing the garage I took off my old water softener. This water does awful things to your skin…


It’s not a bad thing to have some salts in your soil and calcium is a big one that I def gain from the water here but regular flushings over time help with the build up. I don’t mind giving em water right out my hose , it’s soil organics and with and typically keeps itself balanced out. I haven’t used a pH meter in years and plenty to show for quality


I haven’t used my ppm meter but I’m curious to know what mine is out the tap be right back lol


I think bullhead was the worst in the county, didn’t realize the ppm was that high! topock we were on city well and every year seeing the build up on the swamp coolers def was gnarly and required weekly cleanings and up here in Dolan it’s the same with city well but I’m right off the mountains now so I’d imagine would be better quality but still ain’t drinking that shit.

Prob makes sense why all the local old timers look leathered up, I thought it was the intense sun, but I bet it’s the years of bathing in it


Well I’ll be damned I’m getting a 78 ppm reading. Maybe I misjudged the water. When I first moved in though it felt gritty and had a bad smell. I even seen particles floating. It actually looks pretty good tonight


@Rhai88 isn’t that where Branson has his Virgin Galactic base?

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You were prob still flushing ur stagnant pipes just moving in lol, I know it’s a waste but I always open all my water valves in a new place for a good half hour when water turns on


@AzSeaindooin420 that’s a smart move. No idea how long the water has sat there in the pipes


I’ll snag my ppm Meter tomorrow and take a reading and snap a pic. If my mind reminds me lol… it’s so bad that even my RO can’t get the water under 100ppm it stays right around 110-120ppm which I’m happy with honestly. I laugh when I see people say of God my reading are awful at 800. I wish. My RO water would be 0. haha


That’s just crazy


It’s that 5th stage doing its job, it’s a “finishing” filter that actually adds good minerals back in it for taste/flavor


I wish it was I don’t have a finisher or a “mineralization” stage it’s only a 3 stage RO. They claim 8 stage since it’s a tankless style unit. But no mineralization. I’m fairly certain it’s just my RO saying to much shit in your water for me bruh. lol


Ah… It doesn’t have that one sitting on top the 3 filters?

Costco sells a pretty bomb unit for about 200 out the door that’s what I’ve been eyeballing

Speaking of water, have any of y’all seen the down to earth series with zac Efron? They did a water tasting in that from waters all around the world with high tds concentrations that was quite interesting it’s in the first season labeled France on Netflix


Good to know gonna need a new one for the garage plants need good water too…

watch a few episodes. The one where they tasted all those mineral waters was pretty cool honestly. I’ve been drinking the boring shit my whole life. haha


Well if we ever get rich and famous then we will make sure to put going to France for a water tasting on our bucket list


Biggest problem with calcium from hard water is most of it isnt in the correct form to be absorbed by the plants just builds up hard crusty salts


Yup, I still throw some oyster shell in my tea recipes but soil out here def needs regular flushing blasting it, letting the buildup/salts dissolve for about 15 min and then hit it again. Hasn’t been an issue yet for me sticking to that


Have you tried using Vitamin C powder?
That should eliminate chlorine and help neutralize the salts. :wink:


Personally havent had a need for it, I’m sure the bee pollen that contains it been on my side though