Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 1)

Sweet axe man. I wouldn’t know what to do with those extra strings. But I have always wanted to try one out.


Wow @mota, it’s been years since I’ve heard the name Andres Segovia spoken. The 1st time I heard him play, I was blown away. Absolutely mind boggling guitar playing


Thought the name sounded familiar…
My son has this book on his technique


I just couldn’t resist!


Thanks for this!! Looking him up now!

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She was so ditzy-- but damn… she could f-ing play flamenco!!!

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He’s the same age as our Son… he is also on the spectrum, so I know exactly what you mean… he is why I changed my career path and started teaching ‘special needs’… they always excel in something, though not usually communication or dealing with daily living skills…
You MIGHT be able to get him gig’s doing background recording for local artists???
Depends on where you live… :green_heart: :blush:


Cruiser ax guitar


My hats off to you @Lady.Zandra63… our little one is in special needs and her teachers are actually pretty bad ass people! She’s come a long way with their help. I commend you!


Episode 3 is LIVE :
FrankInSpace_E3.pdf (3.9 MB)
Original Images by @Heliosphear and The Monster Mash thread can be found here:
The Monster Mash - Overgrow.com
Have a Great weekend folks :v:


Good morning OG! Epic rough morning. Better now that I’m here…


Afternoon everyone!!
Passing by to say thanks to @GrouchyOldMan as well as @Rhai88!!!
You rock!! Appreciate it!!! Beans are safe and sound!! :v: :ear_of_rice:

Not sure whether I had to be posting here, so be it!! Thanks!!


Wow awesome I won!!


Congrats! Looks like a great cross!


Sure? As I had understand and read, maestro Segovia not liked flamenco. He talked not good of flamenco masters as Paco de Lucía and others. He was more on the clasical guitar.


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He gave her classical guitar lessons.

Very not true. He learned with flamenco, his first guitar he owned was first owned by Paco de Lucena, and I think Augustillo was hus first flamenco teacher, around the age of 7? Maybe?
He did move past flamenco quickly, as he had a natural talent for both interpretation and composition. His first major performance he was 16.


I stand totally corrected. G8PxQ8j

As I look at my personal collection of Segovia, I don’t have a single flamenco release. That doesn’t mean he didn’t release flamenco albums, only that I don’t have any. Neither 4 nor 5 are flamenco. I should note that these don’t include my vinyl, which is in deep storage, unripped. (No, not that kind of ripped! HA! bong4 )

Thank you for keeping me honest, @Piter!


It takes a certain type of person…
I was a good student in school- but bullied because I was ‘different’ and socially awkward.
I have since been told I am most likely on the spectrum… so I '‘get it’ when I work with these kids…and I get REALLY pissed at educators who refuse to learn how to interact with students who do not fit their little ‘cookie-cutter’ ideals!


“A mi siempre me preocupó redimir la guitarra flamenca de las juergas y darle un repertorio musical serio…
La guitarra flamenca no tiene ni el trabajo ni la perfeccion de la guitarra clasica. Es mas bien un instrumento popular, de raza inimitable, algunos lo hacen muy bien pero no todos…
Lo que pasa con el flamenco de hoy, con el cante jondo es que se ha desennoblecido, no tiene nada de emocion, poesia,sencillez folclorica.
Ha desaparecido de ella la tradicion de un instrumento del siglo octavo.”

For him flamenco was most for popular music.
And his declarations of great flamenco players, as Paco de Lucía, person who push flamenco to what is today, was talking bad of them.

Segovia had a big ego, and for him the flamenco of those guitarrist was not flamenco. If where for him the flamenco was stacked and without evolution. He was a “classical” thinking man.
At least that is what I read about him and some of his interviews here in spain.

I like him playing guitar and pushed the spanish guitar worldwide. But talking bad of others masters is not good.