Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2)

Agreed man, if it works don t fix it …Just thought I d check…Either way they look great and hope the grow goes well.I ll be cheering u on from here brother…


Another reason to keep a dark grow space for your roots is to avoid any algae getting in there and eating nutes meant for your plants :blush:

But yeah, if you’re not having any issues, rock on man :grin::metal:


There water bottles I would guess that there already treat for that stuff not many people drink 18 lt in one go and I never seen in my glass it the dark green I’m sure


That’s a good, and terrifying, point… Why doesn’t spring water in those bottles grow any algae? It should be a pretty good environment for it…


Waters treated would be my guess… I think its time for some myth busters…lol Where do u get the green water bottle?? Thats cool asf ,only green bottles I ve ever seen is ginger ale…


I’ve seen “spring water” in green plastic bottles.


I think I have seen that too and the green bottles I believe were recycled in the ones that I saw.


I apologize I just noticed that the clear ones were up front ! But I stick by what I said I haven’t had any issues as of yet but I will keep watch and I will definitely post it but to that I have used these for 3 grows now also have 3/8 holes in the bottom on every (bump or nipple if you will ) I think there 8 but I have great drainage and in that tent I have a 6 inch infinity this years model and 4 fans and a 4in infinity 2 years old feeding fresh air from outside ! I wash the walls down once a week and the floor once a week . The tray are washed daily if you see I use fly traps because of the fertilizer. Got to go back to work ! Cheers


lack of sufficient lighting and also if sealed correctly lack of carbon dioxide/oxygen. Same reason you canned foods stay good if sealed but mold over if the seal is broken and left to be oxidized. I work retail. Coming across a can of food someone broke and left tucked behind other product is stanky business. lol


Until the consumer buys it, yeah absolutely… But when you take one of those monster 4l just camping for a few days, that sucker is opened with the first joint lit before the tents are up, so it should be able to start growing then, right?

I think a Mythbusters style investigation is needed here, too… Crack open a few water bottles, take a sip and close them up again, and leave them in the sun for a week, even in a grow Tent… Hmmm…

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I’m so sorry my friend. Lol


No worrys , I just thought I d ask …I ve never tried it so it s def no knock .And if you ve had 3 successful grows with them your doing something right and glad to hear it… I feel dumb now because I ve used those yellow buckets that hold cat litter and I spent a bunch of money buying duct tape to cover them so they stayed dark.lmao… Have a great day man


Just a quick update on the plants I have going.
I went away for a 1.5 days and the plants dried out. They are clinging to life. All my other plants are fine. I’ll try to nurse them back to health.
So sorry to give you this news.




Big question for everyone :question:

I’m curious what you have/had in your garden that seriously helps with sleep.

I’ve suffered with serious insomnia for years it’s my downfall lol but after a little over a month of being THC free I noticed my sleep really suffered. Waking up through the middle of the night and just not feeling rested when the alarm went off. We officially started smoking again as of 4-20 and my sleep has been deep and I have not been waking up near as frequent.

The reason I’m curious is I lead off the “sobriety” with a buddies flower “Fizzy Drank” an exotic genetics cultivar. While the smoke was great and I was faded I felt no real sleep aid or deep narcotic vibe.

As of the last 3 night I’ve been smoking on the (Coastal Blueberry x BOG Sour Grape) from @Heliosphear and let me tell you I’ve woken up feeling like I’ve been hit by a train I’m sleeping so hard (I think I’m catching up on sleep I’ve missed).

I’ve been so active today on my day off and getting shit done that I’m extremely surprised with myself. Usually days off consist of me laying around yawning and dragging my ass into the grow in the afternoon.

:arrow_forward: I’d really like to know what crosses/cultivars are aiding you with sleep.



As far as sleep aid goes, my brother is a terrible insomniac but not much of a smoker, but he had found a tincture of London Pound Cake that worked wonders for him. Unfortunately the brand hasn’t replenished that product so he’s been kind of SOL. A month or so ago I got some input from everyone here and purchased some LPC seeds so I’m hoping to have some of that going in the next couple of months here. I’ll certainly be keeping some of the bud for myself and turning the rest into tincture for him. I’ll try to let you know how that experiment turns out brother!

And p.s. Little something from the auction landed, thanks again brother :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I have been growing xtreme haze for years, it’s a crazy strong sativa (like, in competition with crack for wanting to clean, lol)… But, I left it budding for a week or two too long (it’s been several years and lots of joints since, maybe three weeks) and damn, I SLEPT. I know exactly what you mean about the middle of the night wake ups, and this long bud bud totally took that out. I’ve read that budding a plant long can bring out more indica traits, and I can couch for that personally :metal:


One of my first plants I grew was Tahoe OG that was just stellar with making you sleep. And when it was in the grinder next to the bed it smelled so wonderful and calming that you just wanted to curl up in a ball. Might have just been me tho. :man_shrugging:


I lost my daughter she was 30 like 3 yrs ago soni upped my cardio an just lift f heavy every single day almost
An my body lives an 6 hrs of dead sleep but my energy for 18 hrs is like 6th gear wide open
That’s the only thing for me real truth besides real hard core intoxication which I will never do I dabbed alot an that was getting to much tolerance went crazy :anguished::rofl::anguished:
I’m glad u found a strain that does what u need


Good to know. I currently have a TK x Tahoe OG cut from a friend going. :eyes: