Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2)

Very overgrow of you, wish I had seen this one. Very cool! Congratulations @Sailorboy


So in my stoned youtube travels the other day I managed to plummet down the rabbit hole and happened to land upon a video of a dude smoking some herb off his hookah.

The 20 year old in me instantly came back to life because I was a heathen who loved smoking the hookah. So curiosity got the best of me. Any one out there use a hookah to consume? Any one out there smoke on hookah’s any more. I was surprised to see they are still relevant lol


back in college i was smoking hookah every day multiple times a day. both friend groups smoked hookah so regardless of who i was around i was smoking hookah. my voice is already kind of deep but with the smoking it was crazy deep, lol. i had a Lebanese friend who told me a story, he was smoking hookah in lebanon with friends and it turned out they packed a bunch of high quality hash into the bowl. he said he hallucinated horses running or something, lol.


Damn, I forgot about my hookah!! Another thing I lost in a move 🤦

I totally used it to consume, it definitely worked :grin::grin:

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Outta likes, that’s hilarious… Gotta love good friends :rofl:

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oh man… I’m buying a damn hookah tomorrow. lol if nothing more I always loved showcasing beautiful pieces in the house. At the peak of me smoking hookah I had to of owned like 5 or 6 of them haha


i looked them up recently and they have some nice all-glass ones these days. i would start again but i really have no reason to. it was really just a social thing.

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I’d love to grab another, but we’re already having problems with the oldest teenager and smoking 🤦

They can be such cool pieces of artwork!


Hookahs are so cool. Last time was about 15 years ago…This gives me an excuse to post one of my favorite pics -


I sort of copied that in high school for an art project…only it was a front view of the caterpillar smoking a hookah while playing a guitar and bass, minus Alice. Art teacher loved it…until I put a field of weed in the background, said I ruined it!


I owned a cheapass hookah for a bit in my early 20s. Definitely smoked weed out of it a couple of times :wind_face:

Can’t remember if I mixed the weed with Shisha for moisture & flavor or if I did it straight.

Why did you ruin this by making it perfect?
–you art teacher, probably


Yeah I mixed bud with honey, was nice. Hash is nicer I guess molasses would do also. I think that’s what’s in shisha to begin with

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Super happy on a rainy gloomy day!
Can’t remember what BBD is though? Blue berry diesel maybe?


Blueberry Diesel.



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Grow that shit! :grin:


Already in a solo cup hahahahaha


Good good! That makes me jump for joy I just did a little dance.
No joke I do a little weird dance. :laughing:

So everyone is aware…

:arrow_forward: If you’re growing anything of mine please post it up in this thread. It’s great to be able to do giveaway’s and at the same time people get to see what you’re finding in these beans :wink: I’m sure you all have your own threads but you can share here as well if you’d like. I’d appreciate that!

:arrow_forward: The RYKNOWS SELECTIONS thread is officially dead. :skull_and_crossbones:

  • The discord is also dead. :skull_and_crossbones:

I will be moving in a different direction and possibly going with @ix3u’s suggestion of R&R(Rhai and @Rena93) something or other. She’s always been my PIC in this and does a whole lot of work getting these beans to you fine folks! Only seems right and honestly sounds pretty legit!

:arrow_forward: I do not at this time sell my seeds. Giveaway’s / Trades only for now maybe down the road it’s been a thought but also sounds like a chore. I didn’t really get into growing to make money purely a pursuit of passion… but I won’t lie in saying being able to help fund the grow and keep fair prices for decent beans would definitely be my aim. champagne taste on a beer budget sorta thing for everyone. haha

:arrow_forward: Also we are working hard to get to everyone’s envelopes they are going out in waves but please be extra patient over the next few days. I basically have hell week at work coming up! haha

_MUCH LOVE :call_me_hand:t4:


Love it (obviously)!

Good luck with the directional change!


Thank you for the idea! Couldn’t have thought it up myself… It was so obvious and yet you’re the one who came up with it! haha You my friend are a genious!