Rhai88 & Friends... Games, Giveaways, and more! (Part 2)

Amazon gift cards for Xmass… Oh what shall I do?
I’ve got a 4x4 that could use an upgrade.
Besides the obvious, I get an extra foot each way :smirk:
Any down side to a 5x5?
My lights is a Photontek 475 pro, that I don’t want to upgrade.
As well why is it half the price of a 4x4, give or take, in Canada :thinking: what’s up with that?


$280 bucks for that tent, I would get on that asap.
Thats a greal deal !


We’re running two of their Controller 69 Pros, two of their S6 circ. clip fans, a Cloudline S4 and S6, and a T3 humidifier, and a couple thermo-hygrometers in addition to using their plant ties, sunglasses, shears, and UIS-Adapter.

Bottom line in our experience so far is that it is good, dependable gear at a sane price point. Everything is sleek, well designed, and stands up to the environments we all run. There’s a reason they’re always out of stock- it’s all pretty damn great gear, and does what it says it does. Affordability has it’s checks and balances, of course.

My biggest personal issue with 'em, from what we’ve used and read, is that they seem to have taken a sort of You-Test-It-We’ll-Fix-It model for the UIS system overall. They seem to nail design and function, but run into some complications with devices co-operating, and the deeper functions they offer. This is usually the kind of thing that can be mitigated by having an understanding of your grow, and working “with” the equipment, as it were. Instances for us Have been:

  • a clip-fan that gave up on cycling and just turned on, all the way up, and off, over and over
  • the controller “recognizing” devices incorrectly (AC Adapter as a Heater, Humidifier as a Fan)
  • the T3 Humidifier/C69 Pro combo as a whole (Including hot UIS cables)

The fan was replaced with a quick couple e-mails (and shipping the old one back, their expense.) The controller mis-reading devices was solved for a while with a reset, but we can’t be sure how that’s doing now, as we have since heard from ACI that they have known issues with the Humidifiers and Controllers not playing well together. We’re finishing out this grow with one controller running all the fans, a separate digital timer for the light (which had been on the AC-UIS Adapter) and manually controlling the humidifier, which is set to be replaced by ACI in February, when they’re back in stock.

Tents look great, but I don’t have experience with 'em. I feel like their previous focus on HVAC niches means the fans are much more solid.

I wish more companies were doing this. Gotta say, I’m probably gonna end up with one soon enough.

Yep. S6" out and S4" in, here, in a 4x4.

Not if you want the space! Hahaha You can always consider a little additional under-canopy lighting or something, to avoid a new-light-price tag shock and boost the ppfd in the corners and walls. And yeah- again, that price point on that tent. Really solid value.
If you can hold off until 4/20 they usually run free shipping and some other solid deals. Getting their gear through Amazon is stupidly faster and cheaper on shipping. Canadian kilo-mileage may vary. Also, with proof of purchase, the ACI team didn’t seem to count an Amazon sale as any different than a direct sale.

OVERALL I think we’re happily sticking with ACI, as they have no problem yet replacing gear and owning up to issues. I’m 100% on their fans and any “accessories” like shears and glasses. Everything else has been well worth the critical thinking exercises when something gets wonky, for all the time it runs quite smoothly.

Shit, sorry for the dissertation. If y’all got any questions, we’re happy to help. Thanks for coming to my TEDX talk.
Stay up


This is the kind of feedback I’ve been trying to find…so thank you for sharing everything, I super appreciate it

Stay up, thanks again

Happy new year to you and all you OG’RS


Only only criticism I have is ACI’s loupe lens. The big lens is warped a bit. Usually I use the small more powerful magnification one. The big lens has a circular ring warp, some un-uniformity during manufacture.
Tent, fans and timer all work great…so far.


Check it out bro :sunglasses:, much better deal and now eBay has their own A/C infinity store without the high price of Amazon or the A/C infinity web site. Plus the shipping from both the other places are very high this place is 0! :wink::facepunch::package::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::blush::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


My Ebay tip of the day. Always try to place a few offers (make offer button) before buying outright. I just got a vivosun 4x4 with 4"fan, carbon scrubber and timer for $169 shipped by doing so. First response was same price as listed. But second price saved me like $50! Not bad for 10 min work.


All T6 CL fans. I also use a controller 69 pro and I have two of the oldschool work horses that came with the CL fans 3 years ago. Those still work like crazy good considering the upgraded controller 67 I had to send back due to defects.

Let’s see that setup man! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a grow pic from you.

No down side only up. You get the new 5x5 tent and have a 4x4 for veg now! :wink:

Ebay doesn’t accept the influencer codes though. If you use codes from guys like Mr. Growit or Mr. Cancuksgrows or those guy usually they have a 15% off code that works through amazon. You’ll end up bringing that $200 tent down to $170 shipped.

@Coffin_Dodger you’re really a gear nut! I know our kind… haha


Lol no one has seen his setup yet! I asked last week about it when he told me ,:rofl:. @OhNo555


I will reveal very soon as I finish rearranged the room I grow in. Have been a little Leary of exposing my grow room like that, the room is very distinctive as it was are daughters nursery and their is a hand air brushed mural on two sections of the wall that are 4’ tall by 18’ long. Kind of a dead :dizzy_face: giveaway if you catch my drift.

There are pictures of my plants all over OG just not a grow journal :notebook: yet. :joy::joy::joy:


Would any one be interested in testing out the new cross?

Requirements: Must have active grow thread - Able to germinate all 5 seeds upon receiving.

I will be chopping next Wednesday and drying the seeds out. Should be ready to send out in roughly 2 weeks. I made a very limited amount of these So it will be limited to 5 seeds per tester pack. I would like all 5 grown at the time of receiving.

Blueberry Terpnado x Blueberry Diesel F1 (pollen)

(Coastal Blueberry x BOG Sourgrape) x (Blueberry Pie x Chem Fuego)

Here is a recent photo of the mother plant(dusted with BBD F1 pollen). She smells of fresh squished blueberries. One of the most accurate smells of BB I’ve ever had. Not artificial or candied smelling. Just pure BB. She is worthy enough for me to be taking her to reveg. Smoke report will be where I deem her truly worthy but I don’t forsee any issues. Terpene profile alone is enough for her to be kept. S1s may be in the future.


OH MAN ,Hell yeah , beautiful plant


Beautiful plant! I’m swamped on cuts so can’t get anything in to test now but wish I had the space. You breed some really great strains.

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Would love to but cant ill be in the middle of moving…

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Probably the only reason I’m staying away from the controller.
Inkbirds products have never let me down. App integration is easy.
If you want to set it and forget it, ACI for sure.
But as a new grower, for me at least. It’s all about learning. Trial and errors. Ol school vs. New school :rofl:
Eventually new school will be the ol school. Then I might jump on board :wink:
But I’m definitely grabbing that tent.
One thing I can’t see in any pics of the tent…
Are there vent holes on the top of the tent @Rhai88
They all look rlto be on the sides.
Have a great day peeps :seedling:


Yes there is a single vent hole in the top which is located back right of the tent.

I wish they would put two it seems logical for setup purposes to always have a vent hole opposite from one another but what do I know right? lol


Damn, that’s prrrdy.
I’d love to jump on that, but I’m bout to drop a few of just about everything I’ve got from y’all.
Doubt I’ll have space. :slightly_smiling_face:
Sounds like a keeper though! So I’m sure you’ll keep her around and there will be other opportunities. :wink:


@Rhai88 That does sound and look good. I got 2 more auto strains I gotta run as promised or I’d jump on those :+1::+1::v:

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You amaze me at finding stuff, anything. Thanks, I like being impressed.


Very nice , I’m same way. I’ll look for a bit to find the best price , I got my t6 fan with controller that way. 90$ new on eBay. Was 129$ everywhere else. I have the older t6, had it a few years and still going strong :+1::+1::v: