ROSITEK RMP2 2-Ton - Advice - help - please

Because I have no clue what it should be.

I wanted the press temp good n stable, so I allowed 30 minute warmup. The pre-press 30m was arbitrary, just took advantage of the warm up wait. Pre-pressed right after I flipped the unit on.

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2.5g puck
very slow press until locked
2 min squish
Yield .11g

Sure feels like a waste of weedā€¦


0.11g from 2.5g is a 4% return. That is a waste of weed. But are you sure you measured the rosin right because that looks like more than 0.11g.


I will double check, its in the freezer now. Confident in my method though. I have a nice cuticle tool that I use for scraping. I put it on the scale, tared the scale, scraped the rosin and weighed the tool.

Edit: Me and my big mouth! It weighs in at 0.16g , good eye @schmarmpit . My scale must not have had a solid footing or something.

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Well thatā€™s not much of a difference anyways. Now youā€™re at 6%. There is tons of variability in starting material, and as others have stated, around 62% moisture helps. But 6% return is still kind of low IMO. My trim usually gets around 13%. Flowers can be 20 - 30% returns. But some strains are just not great producers. Sometimes I donā€™t get great returns on the sativa leaners.


Itā€™s really strain dependant in my experience, just like others have posted.
Iā€™ve had super frosty not dense bud constantly yield less than 10%. I figure they are better to make bubble hash out of instead of flower rosin.
You just have to test each strain but make sure moisture level is between 55-65% for best results.
Iā€™ve had a couple strains that are real dense and frosty that I thought would yield good but only got like 10-15%.

My Twinkle tarts isnā€™t the densest bud or frostiest but it consistently gets me 25% rosin on cured flower

And my sundae driver is pretty dense and i can get 25% if conditions are right.


I just got a few good yields in the RMP2 finally. The flower used must be 65% rh to get a decent yield and the frostier and oily the strain the better. Adjusting the pressure knob has helped. I set mine for 210f and squish for 2 mins. I used recently harvested white runtz popcorn buds Pressed together and got good results. Hopefully you can get it going itā€™s a nice little press.


I have a hard time getting the Rosin off the parchment paper. Any tips from you folks that have been pressing dabs for a while?


You can stick it in the freezer for a couple mins, Iā€™ll sometimes put it on top of a freezer pack while collecting really stubborn stuff.

Technique can help a bit too, quick swipes from side to side, and/or hold the dab tool against the rosin for a second or two and pull/snap up real quick.


I stick a dinner plate in the freezer for an hour. Parchment on top of that makes it easy.


I agree with sensibowlā€¦ all those methods are good and helpful :+1: it can be a bitchā€¦ cooling it a bit deffo helpsā€¦ doing faster movements like he said helps alot too manā€¦


Thanks folks. Im new to the world of dabs. So theres a bit of a learning curve here.

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I do the same, in the freezer for a few minutes. Hardens it up a bitā€¦then I stick it to itself of the parchment and kinda dab it together. Takes a few trips to the freezer to get it all into a ball, as it warms it softens and resticks to everything.

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