Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi f2 Apollo 13 x Apollo 11

I don’t know an exact day only because I didn’t remember to look until I pulled them out of service.


@SCJedi those buds are bursting with seeds! Great job as always and thank you.


Let me check again tonight while I am looking at the terp wheel


Those look really fantastic. Genuinely excited about this project :smile:


My wife and I are both agreeing that we think the smells are Earthy to Spruce/Fir


Just a quick note in honor of full transparency. This weekend there was an incident here at home that might cause me a problem.

A large, full, upper kitchen cabinet fell off of the wall in the kitchen of our rental. That really is not that big of a deal but it fell on my wife and hit her in the head pretty hard which is a bfd.

It was very poorly installed and I am concerned of the path that our landlord & the homeowner will take. I have a lot here at stake other than a lab tent full of Apollo seeds.

I do have a plan since I have to deal with annual inspections anyway. I have a large lot with a second back yard so if these need to get pulled outside to finish up the last few days then so be it.

This is really crappy timing as it interferes with my tissue culture projects and plantings for my outdoor season.

I promise I will keep everyone informed and have chatted with MOTR about how to get the goods into the pipeline.

Think good thoughts!


Damn… hope your wife is ok!! Thats terrible!!
Hope you get to finish up ok. If you gotta go outside to do so, the shade is your best friend to avoid UV burn. Hope all is good


Your wife is obviously priority #1! That accident sounds bad, so I do hope she’s OK and will be fine soon.

The fact that it happened in a rental and the cab wasn’t installed properly might create a legal situation that involves attorneys and such, depending on how you both want to handle it. Of course, that might be heavily influenced by how your landlord is handling it (hospital / doctor bills). So this then leads to potential security issues, which - depending on your local laws, might become a very big deal real quick. In which case, are you sure putting your plants somewhere on that property is 100% safe?

Oh man, what a clusterfu#k. But the bottom line remains, I do hope your wife is OK. :pray:


That’s absolutely fucked! I hope she is okay and that the landlord makes it right.


Yes, I can put them somewhere that is 100% safe. We are on 1/3 acre and have 1/4 acre in a totally separate, fully fenced, second backyard. It’s full sun and irrigated and where we grow our veggies and where I do my outdoor open pollinations.

Yes, it’s all messed up and both my wife and I are very highly educated (2 x MBAs) and are in agreement that we not only would prefer to avoid attorneys but also would prefer to not invite negativity into our lives.

Sometimes things like this occur for a reason.

The irony is thick as we began looking for a larger place with land mid week last week. The idea is that I can build out my tissue culture lab in a workshop or a large garage. It just may be the current landlord & owner that pay for that move.


Did actually catch and dried out male pollen and sprinkled it on the joint. Many decades ago


So sorry to hear @SCJedi. That’s scary stuff. I don’t need seeds so bad that you need to risk things and be distracted from helping your wife.

You’ll be better off not bringing the negativity and hassles on yourselves from litigation. You could probably get better attention by letting them know in a non threatening way.

Prayers and vibes bro!


You caught a buzz?

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As I recall it did make a difference with and without. Not like real hash though.

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aww man, thats terrible news to hear. I hope it all turns out ok. Is she getting spine/ alignment all checked out??

a few days ago my parents in laws shop burned just about to the ground. ruined the little grain silo next to it, burned up a shed with all my bee boxes( beewax burns !) and could have caught their old house on fire. … good thing the local fire dept showed up pretty fast. Thankfully, no one was hurt (although mimi and pap got their arms burned from heat) and no animals were killed! They have hundreds of animals so it was a near thing.


Man, be safe folks. Lots of weird stuff is going down.


This is terrible to read. Sure hope your wife is okay and you are both safe. Fuck the seeds, who cares about the seeds. Take care of yourself. Much more important. Sending positive thoughts your way. :green_heart:


man good luck we appreciate everything your doing but just make sure shes ok


Thank you for the good vibes and kind words folks. It looks too early to make any kind of definitive diagnosis (especially through phone consults) but it is some kind of neck and/or upper back injury. The landlord cannot be dismissive if they ignore it as if nothing happened. I contacted an attorney and started off by sending them a certified letter telling them what happened and requesting to speak to the owner’s insurance company. Looking for a new place just clicked into high gear.

In the meantime, I am quarantined here watching seeds and waiting for them to ripen. It’s like watching boiling water’s paint dry. Way worse than normal due to it being Spring and being stuck at home.

Pardon the cat hairs, he likes to bathe in the glow of the LED’s

I pulled off a couple of seeds and you can see that some are closer to being done than others. They are still pretty “green”


Excellent job

Hopefully he has the proper insurance for a rental either way I’m sure it will work out for you guys best wishes to the wife may she make a speedy recovery :pray: