Seed supreme survey giveaway

Do the survey for a chance to win $250 worth of stuff. If someone wins, you have to share with me though lol


I’ll share with you!! Thanks for the hook up!!!

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Done! I promise I’ll share if I win :wink:

if I win I will share.

STOP!!! No more Surveys accepted…just notified I won!!! SUPER LOL!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Done. I have not won anything since 3rd grade. I got a a blue ribbon at the county fair for best rooster. Then again, I guess it was the rooster who won.


Right on misterbee any idea what all you’ve won or is a surprise till you receive it?

Nah, I was just kidding, haven’t won a thing!!! Fill out the Survey, YOU might win. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: I wish!!!


Looks like US residents only

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That’s not fair…BUMMER!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: If I do get lucky, you did too!!!

Entered if I win will share as well :grin:

That was cool.

Done and done, don’t like how specifically they made you answer some questions, had to just choose an option cause they didn’t have one that fit me.

Not that it even matters to you :joy: I just pay attention to too much shit


Yeah, I felt that too.

And I was just joking, no one needs to share with me lol, I got the survey in an email and I thought that the people here would appreciate it.


Done! Thanks for the heads up!

Done and will def share if I do win.

I’m Canadian and said I was Alaskan…how are they gonna know?
I will pay the bean tax to you @anon93244739 :wink:

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Hell, that’s more Canadian than Canada! :grinning:

@Barkeater and @misterbee are cracking me up with the dry humor. hilarious


I’ll split the winnings as well,but from my winning history it’s not looking good lol

When we gonna know the result?