Seeds executing themselves

And aren’t we cheating with Mother Nature when we give them the best food, light and temperature so they think every day is Sunday? ejem|nullxnull For me helping them is like when a newborn cattle comes in bad position and the veterinary introduces his arm inside :see_no_evil: to put it in the correct position, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be weak, one never knows the potential of a plant … :sunglasses:


You make a good point @George

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It was from Royal Queen Seeds.

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The one I have is seedsman.

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2020 has been an all around messed up year.Seems like its carried into to the grow year to…

I have to say i am really impressed with the RQS seeds the other fem auto N.L has 32 colas.Both plants looking like the will be high yielders and both have great aromas.

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Once I plant the seeds I cover it in plastic wrap so the pod pops off on it’s own. I learned that trick from growing huckleberries from seed. Except I had to keep the wrap on for 5 weeks.


Thats a ton of colas awesome, been training it a bunch?

I think they’re probably right. The cull rate should be high with any plant breeding population, but cannabis seeds are too expensive and precious to treat like that, unfortunately.


Id like to point out to those that think helping the seed is too much, We get a dew each day which can settle on the plants as early as an hour after sundown and evaporate off when the sun rises so pretty much lights off to lights on so spraying daily is well within reason. Prying off shells may or may not be helping seeing as we plant the seeds very shallow or sometimes not at all, a seed in the wild may be under much more material and will knock against other plants around it so again a small amount of ‘help’ from us may not be hugely different from what they experience (except the bit with a green thumb with tweezers coming along) what kills most seeds in nature is rotting away (storage) and predators … If you can call them predators when they eat seeds and small plants.


That is a really good point about the dew and not planting very deep. I don’t think I’ve seen that brought up before!

Its partly our fault for taking cannabis from its natural environment.

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