Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Thanks for the opportunity @TopShelfTrees1 and Happy Easter!


Happy Easter Islanders!!!
Let’s add another 1 to make it an even better Easter.
1 coin flip of Earth Magic from @PioneerValleyOG
Drawing will be held somewhere around 5:30pm tomorrow.

  1. @420noob
  2. @Jimdoors
  3. @ShiskaberrySavior
  4. @TopShelfTrees1
  5. @Thats_bank
  6. @hemp
  7. @blowdout2269
  8. @ifish
  9. @Cannaology
  10. @tamimes
  11. @CanuckistanPete
  12. @MoBilly
  13. @THCeed
  14. @ix3u
  15. @Piter :es:
  16. @Greenfingers :us:
  17. @Natea
  18. @Tracker
  19. @BuckeyeBeanz
  20. @Bobgrows
  21. @duo :canada:
  22. @dingys
  23. @Stiggy
    Add #’s as needed Islanders

Awesome! I love it! Much respect @Kgrim :facepunch:t2: my fellow gbody/Buick enthusiast. happy Easter!


:+1::+1: Grand Prix headed in tomorrow for Fuel Injection upgrade. Turbo Regal will be hitting the Jack stand’s tomorrow night, HOPEFULLY it’s just a Ujoint, probably not my luck though, more than likely going to need the trans rebuilt.


Got my fingers crossed for ya bro! Let’s hope it’s nothing like the news on my magnum RS, love hemis but they can be a nightmare. I can’t believe they want 4000$ plus! I’m on the fence, she may have to go. But she’s my baby girl. :weary: no bad news on Easter! Only good thoughts/wishes my bad! I want a video of her roaring when she’s ready :pray:t2:


Happy easter :hatching_chick: :heartbeat:


Thanks, appreciate the good thoughts!!!
Hopefully it’s not the cam and lifters on the Magnum!!! Unfortunately Stelantis(Chrysler) will not actually admit they have an oiling issue with the Hemi’s.
When I stopped into the shop last week to discuss the FI project, they had 3 in for cams and lifters.
If it’s your baby, it’s worth the money, the trans is going to cost about $4k to be gone thru. Unfortunately there are only about 4 rebuilders that know the 2004R and can build them correctly for the Turbo Regal.


@Kgrim see I needed to hear that, I really did! Thank you :pray:t2: ya I brought it in for an assessment they didn’t even dive deep, catalytics are going/gone too cuz it sat outside for a year when I moved. :man_facepalming:t2: broke my heart to see her covered in snow sitting there, idle. That’s crazy how few there are. Guys that know the old REAL cars are getting scarce huh? My buddy has an insane 5.0 Roush Mustang things worth a small fortune. EVERYTIME he brings it in it’s like 3/4/5000$ cuz he goes to one of the few 5.0 stang specialists left out here anyway. I gotta get on this cuz I can’t be my baby less this summer. I’ve heard that about the hemis in fact. God I love that rumble though, no additions to pipes just straight hemi purrr. Ahh it’s making me nostalgic now lol! Happy Easter Bro!


@crownpoodle has started a thread for any and all MB#15 stuff. Feel free to add any content my fellow islanders!


Get on it!!! LOL
Having a broken car isn’t fun, trust me, I miss driving the Regal. Luckily I got most of the summer out of it before something decided to go south. It depressed me so bad that I didn’t even look at it all winter.
You’ll never find another 1 to replace it, even if you buy another Magnum. My vote is get it fixed and enjoy the hell out of it!!!
I agree, there isn’t anything like the rumble of a Hemi. My last truck had a Hemi, and my guys put a tuned exhaust on it, and it was crazy how different it sounded from stock.
There really haven’t been many, even from back in the day, that have worked on the Transmissions for Turbo Regal’s properly. It’s a very time consuming effort, measure, measure, measure, check pressures, adjust, check some more, etc.
It’s a whole different animal than a standard 2004R. The shop I take my stuff too is really good, but when I told them transmission, they said nope, “Your car is way too valuable to mess it up”.
Honesty is what brought me to them 23 years ago, and to this day why I still take the more labor intensive projects to them.
Happy Easter, hope you and the family have a wonderful day!!!


Happy Easter Family!
Hope you all have a good one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks to @leafeater for the pic.


Idk what happened but I can’t fix it either on my wiki. Feel free to edit anyone who knows how. I tried, but I’m a newb at wikis. First one in fact usually I do dibs haha!


Thanks TST!


Thanks @Kgrim !


Thanks for the giveaways @TopShelfTrees1 and @Kgrim. Great opportunities await a couple lucky members for sure! :smiley::+1:

I wasn’t even gonna attempt a wiki fix for fear of making it worse, lol.


Hey @shag , can I join the island adventures?

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I got the wiki fixed 4 you.


You rock bro! Much appreciated :pray:t2:


Not a problem!!!


Thanks @Kgrim for the opportunity. :peace_symbol:

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