Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

So like jesters anonomous?


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I got a smooth 15 but it’s all crowdwork!


Who’s your higher power? :grin::wink: lol


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lol crowed work.
It would have the most legit “Green” room.


After a hot spring Jacuzzi ,

I noticed some elemental sulfur bathing in a hot spring,

collected the sulfur,

than I took a nap in a small dark cave that I use as a dark room to induce flowering,

anyways I also collected some saltpeter (Potassium nitrate) from the walls in the cave.

Using those two ingredients in a ratio of 75% P.N and 10% S and an additional 15% of soft wood

charcoal. I now have gunpowder.

I propose to be used on a yearly celebration, for an Islands B-day celebration. fire work display.

Fantasy Island Day. :fireworks: :partying_face:


Maybe we sneak a little in @Kabuddha 's food tonight.
I heard he has this hot ass date with a super beautiful island girl.
Saltpeter should make his date better right? :innocent:

I motion…

Oh. hell that is such a great idea, we are just gonna do it… :heart_eyes:


Insert island emoji :desert_island:. It’s island themed Bruv :grin:.


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One day on an Island and Ive opted to become the very kind of identities I hate. Chemical alliance/DuPont and now what will by human nature eventual evolve into an arms race lol So no using my black powder for canons , or muskets just sparklers, ok guys Lol lets keep it peaceful. lol
and easy on the “Brown Brown” lol


I’m starting to feel like this thread may have lost a bit of focus.

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The focus of this thread seems to be good fun…and lack of focus. :grin:


Spent all day yesterday pressing out the freeze dried hash. The dab bar is stocked with some fresh press, the cold cured will be ready next weekend. I got blazed doing dabs right off the press. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well we should place our focus on two things here.
staying alive.

What he said…LOL

And growing the best weed in the world.
To help us better with that, check out the Parking Garage.

This is not for those who are looking for a hit and run.
This is for family members only.

Please remember to be the kind of family member, you would like to have.
You know the kind that is always there to help out.
Never takes more than they need.
Gives back way more than they ever take.
And always happy to do so.

I truly feel, that if we can fill the island with family like this…We will be living in a self-made paradise.

Together we can do this, but it takes everyone.
So let us join together and get it done. :wink:

On that note check out the fire that is and will be offered to our wonderful family members.


Remember “Lucy” is watching over everything on the island.
And she don’t miss a trick!


So I was thinkin’ about the parking garage…
It seems we should have a canadian garage and and american garage if possible.

I feel we could use some canadian ambassadors.

I know 3 canadians I would trust.
They are @DougDawson , @TopShelfTrees1 , @SHSC-1
Still getting to know doug but I am pretty sure he is a stand up guy.
The other 2 have been personally invited to my place for a BBQ this year.

So my thoughts here are…
We will figure a way to get stuff to you folks over yonder.
But when we do, we should not mess around.
I mean send as much as we are able.

I know some folks are better than others with things like this.
I also feel the shipping details should be kept to PM, and/or on a need-to-know basis.

I am not making assumptions, I am asking for help.
If any of you are not able to help, no sweat.
I know all 3 of you are the type, to do what you can, if you can.
So a simple no, is very acceptable.

But we need to be able to supply the Canadian side of the island with all of the goodies the American side has.

I would love to hear the thoughts of any family member that has something to add or protest about.

The bonfire is still going if we need to have a family talk… :+1:
If so grab a fatty and I will meet ya there…LOL


To all family members…

If you have any stock you wish to add to the garage please submit what you have here.

We are really only looking for very special plants.

They all should be at least one or more of these:

  1. Super tasty
  2. Super stoney
  3. Super smelly

But exceptions will be made for:

  1. Unique taste
  2. Unique smell
  3. Unique high (sativa type)

But please submit what you have to offer and the family can decide if they would like to grow it or not.

Thank you all for coming today and enjoy the sun! :yum:

This page has been made a wiki.
If you feel you wish to add something that you feel is important and should be on this page, please feel free to edit this page at your discretion.


Wondering if anyone is running any TGA vortex? I ran some out a few years ago and came across a absolutely killer pheno. Sad to say I lost the cut and have been looking for it since. There was alot of variation in the line, but there were at least 2 phenos that were truly stellar. :trophy:



Now that is the beauty of the garage, when this sorta thing happens there should be a copy in the garage.

Just bring your ticket down to the parking garage and you could retrieve another exact copy, an exact clone!..LOL

Almost like…Clone insurance… :joy:


This is weird but really fun. Cool thread! :sunglasses:puff puff pass

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Definitely down brother. You know me. Always down to help and a pipeline seems AWESOME!


I will very soon have an abundance of cuts to add, have a couple atm but many more in appx. 2 weeks I will post up all I have then . (Trust me they are super solid options.