Negative feedback on trades

I don’t play the lottery for just that reason.

Absolutely, I will not change my ways at all.
Well maybe I will be looking even closer at the folks I am dealing with.

And again I must insist we look well into the personality of these folks before we label them as Seed Vultures.

I know good folks here that look just like the Seed Vultures on the surface but if you look real hard you will find they are really just Seed Junkies.
Several of these I call close friends.
I see them scooping up almost everything that is offered.
But those same folks will give you anything you need if they have it.
So we must distinguish the users from the seed junkies.

We all know the feeling of being a Seed Junkie.
Hell most of us have spent thousands if not 10’s of thousands on these must have seeds.
Half of ya’ll just put em in the vault like comfort food or something.
I don’t mean to judge, I see some of the collections and I am nothing but jealous. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
So I get it and I can respect it.

It is kinda like women, some guys need to sample everyone.
It is fun to hunt and find a gem for braggin rights and all.

So I say take all you want, just don’t take advantage.

And then there is this…