Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Hey all just wanted to drop this lil tidbit here. If anyone is in americas heartland Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas or sw Missouri there is a canna event June 17th all are welcome to attend.


Almost ready to start collecting pollen for the Darlins Dawgs f2 project. I know which 1 I’m gonna use mainly but will do a couple of branches with the other as well just for shits and giggles.
I’ve got 5 females so I should get some good diversity.
Here’s a shot of the boys


I noticed some of you talking about buying LED’s. Have you considered HLG? I am an HLG rep and can hook you up with a smokin deal.
Hit me up if ya see something you like and I’ll see what I can do for you



The darlin Dawgs look like they are ready to drop some serious pollen. Gonna be a ton of seeds


So, guys… I found this cave. Inside the cave I found an old leather bag (about the size of a backpack) It had the faint picture of an old goat on the front. Y’all are gonna think me loose in between the ears, but I knew that bag. It felt like it had been mine all my life and went missing until now! But when I tried to pick it up, it crumbled into dozens of pieces. Looking down, I saw that there was a book… well… it wasn’t what you’d really call a book. It was more like a stack of scales, and they were shaped just like the finger from a leaf of a wide, fat indica plant. These things are 1.5 feet across at least! They were covered with symbols carved into them… I couldn’t help but think that it looked like the scales of some giant snake or something!
Now here’s the weird thing, as if that wasn’t enough! I can read it! It’s full of neat stuff! Remember that one strain I planted out on the point? I started seeing a few nanners. :rage:
Well I found a passage about just that! It described how to eradicate all the plants in an area that may be leaning toward producing said nanners.

So here I am in this cave, reading these scales and I happen to hear that storm that came by earlier today. I walked out to get a look at all the lightening I was hearing, and danged if my plants out on the point weren’t being pummeled by lightening!

I started freaking out!!! All those beauties lost! But then I took a hit to calm the nerves and started thinking… :thinking: What if… I mean, could that book of scales, possibly, have been a shaman’s book???
I just got back from the point and I can’t find any nanners anywhere! NOT ONE! Just individually incinerated plants here and there!
What do you folks think!? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Or am I loosing it!?


Definitely a good thing, sometimes bad things happen for good reasons !


Cool story @MoBilly!
Cool pic too!
At first I thought this was a real dream…
Did you get into the mushrooms again?
4 grams is not a micro dose btw…LOL

Back to the story…
At least you do not have to worry about the nanners anymore.
Lighning may have been overkill, some ETH woulda taken care of the problem… :thinking:

Not sure, but please don’t squeeze the Shaman… :rofl:


Thanks brother yeah I’m still grinning and feeling so much better Thanks brother :pray: @Adventuretime86 thanks for the kind words Man it’s really appreciated, overgrow he world!!


while I didn’t buy it thru you , I bought the HLG 600Bspec veg light during the refurbished unit sale. I saved well over 500 bucks canadian on the light so I was very pleased.
In a 7.5 x 7.5 room, set 6ft from the floor, that light grows plants like crazy and in that space I can’t turn it up past 75% or the taller plants start rebelling.
Worth every penny ater switching from a vertical 1000W halide and parabol reflector. I do have to heat the room but even when it was -40s Celcius here, the room stayed at 20F with a 110V plug in Noma portable baseboard heater with built in thermostat control. Cheap unit and it worked very well.
The light had a 1 year warranty, which isn’t great but it’s been over a year now and it has no issues.
I want an LED flowering light but $$$ have been so tight this year so far that a new light wasn’t in the cards… I was lamenting this to a friend who insists on paying or trading me something for seeds every spring. So he’s bringing me a new spiderfarmer SF4000 … I am not gonna turn that down hehehe


I like mine very much.


I have something for you if we can both workout the logistics and meet up at the reunion.


I’m trying to find someone to run my light dep while I make the reunion trip.
Gonna see my nephew in a few days and hopefully he is able to come up in august and look after things.


Hope everyone’s having a great long weekend on the island :beach_umbrella:

We’re not promised tomorrow, party hard today! :metal:


Well said!
Thanks for the well wishes brother!
I hope your weekend suits you well.


Hope you have a great day also, gonna party like it is 1999… :grinning::grinning::grinning:


That is sooo yesterday. :pensive:
Just kidding of course. :wink:
Hope ya’ll are havin’ a safe but fun weekend.


You also @shaq, we are at a popular park right now enjoying the day


Your slurring your words buddy, you better eat something… :rofl:
The park looks awesome, in detroit we are called flatlanders even by folks in our own state… :smile:


happy memorial day to you on the yankee side of the island.