Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

A pic would be better, but take something sharp and score the outside of the rootball.
This is like topping for the roots.

But be aware of the fact that unstable cultivars may not like this.
So it is best to wait at least 2-3 week before putting it into flower.
This will allow for root expansion at the same time.
With stable cultivars this is usually not an issue.

It may cause intersex issues in unstable plants anyway but this should help a lot.
An unstable plant is a plant that will become intersexed even with the smallest amount of stress.

This does cause stress, but it will also lets the roots expand properly.
I feel if you don’t do this the plant will stay mostly root bound even after transplant but that is subjective.

That advice is given without a pic, your idea of rootbound may differ from mine, so this is general advice.


Thanks that’s what I was going for exactly. This is a very stable clone from a plant ,my first, that I beat the hell out of it too dry, over watered, overfed, tent temps 97°, light leaks probably could list some more if I thought about it but only one nanner. I haven’t pulled out of pot yet well cause I wanted to ask this question first. It’s been in same 2 gal pot for 5 months so I’m assuming it’s rootbound also is starting to lose leaves here and there. Gonna up pot tonight and should have 2-3 weeks before I have room in my flower tent so until then up pot, wrangle this already big plant so it will fit in Thanks Right on time :+1:


I would top it also get it more manageable, it is stressed with the root scoring already so it will take a bit for it to get going. Be a good time to top it

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Sexy man…damn nice!

Ya topping her at this point just wouldn’t accomplish anything. It’s a clone I took in Dec cause I had to gift out it’s mom cause was taking to long to flower after 6 wks and nothing I needed room so friend got a into flower plant.

Not a good pic but you see what I mean. I was thinking more of supercrop or just tie down and make a literal big flat table. Idk yet can’t get to crazy cause tent is t that big. She’s 3’ from the dirt and the plant she clones from 2.5x in stretch. It’s Bruce banner #3


I used to break too many branches that way.
I found that trying to tie a long ass branch sideways and low…they like to break at the stalk.
So instead I used a screen, I would bring the pot in sideways, like laying on the ground under the screen, then try and tip the pot back up rightside spreading the branches as evenly as possible on the screen, give it 2 weeks to grow through the screen and you will have nice buds all up and down the branches.
AKA screen of green.

But you need to do what fits your needs best, everyone has different circumstances it should fit your style of growing.
No need to reinvent the wheel, just another way to look at things.


Build you a little bamboo cage around it.

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@shag have you ever walked in the grass and it is so beautiful. Where everything fell just right. And you have this feeling. You’re holding someone’s hand. Like I said, it is a very beautiful day. You look down and it is a Mushroom. lol
Probably time to talk to everybody tomorrow! lol


Sounds fun but unfortunately, we don’t have the good kinda mushrooms here in Michigan just the G-rated morels…LOL

Give us a hollar when you get back, have a good trip my friend.
The grasshoppers do not speak english. :wink:


It seems that your book traveled through time.
What a rare find! :rofl:


Ya @shag nailed it Amazon has print to order books that’s why so many authors publish with Amazon no unsold books. If your lucky you can get ones “used” which means they were made for some one else for 80% off usually at least 35% discount.
I got one that’s signed by the author personalized to not me but they sold it on Amazon. Didn’t know until went to read it.


Ok Islanders,

Wins the Big Yield x MI5
Send me your address.


Winner #2
Wins the Tirah Hash Plant
Send my your deets.


And last but not least,
Winner #3

Is #3
Wins the Big Mac x Romulan
Send me your deets.


Congrars all you lucky winners, @THCeed , @420noob, @Natea. Thanks for the chance at these @Kgrim those are some :fire:


Congrats to the winners!!!
Sorry for the delay folks, but it was the 1st warm weekend with lots of car stuff going on, and really enjoyed the shit out of it. Even wrenching on the side of the road wasn’t bad, it was kinda nice having the tools and the parts to help a fellow Turbo Regal owner out.
The Grand Prix even made the cover photo over at It also helps that I am friends with the sites owner, LOL who also happens to be a huge GBody fan.


Congratulations @THCeed, @420noob, and @Natea. Wtg!
Glad you enjoyed your weekend @Kgrim.
I managed to get quite a bit done, but never enough! Lol
Well…back to the grind! Be safe. :+1:


@THCeed , @420noob, @Natea. Great giveaway @Kgrim !


CONGRATULATIONS @THCeed @420noob @Kgrim and @Natea awesome!


Sweet awesome! Thanks!
Congrats to other winners.