Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Do you have any other details? Address? :v:

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Where do I find these videos??

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Looking absolutely fire brother damn I can’t wait to run these!!


The B will be coming down later. Both have a month to cure before being sent in. I started cracking up :rofl: thinking how in the world is an entire oz of this going to be used up in 3 days, but I suppose I have enough attendees trash senseless. Of course I’m curious who’s going to tap out and say I can’t do anymore :dizzy_face:




Thank you! :v:


Man I would love to find something that would finish in that time. Looks great man. I’m running an Oreoz now but decided to put it outside with a bunch others because I didn’t flip in time

Pretty sure that’s the only thing I have that’s supposed to finish around 50 days


Next to AB G13, the fastest flowering trait is in CripXmas. The plan is to cube both A and B lines to be available to true breed in other lines. Will change how lowers develop once bred into other lines boosting yields.


All phenos even northern lights cross 51-56 days 9 plants.

This is for anyone but @shag I’ve already read some of your stuff on subject. Can I use Epsom salt and gypsum instead of cal/mag? Does this way last longer? Does the gypsum help keep pH steady?


@420noob I’ve never used it but it doesn’t look like it should affect the ph at all. Found this article


Started using gypsum on this current grow and haven’t seen any rise in ph. Will see how it works during flower


CripXmas B base 49 days

It’s already leaning

The unders all developed. I removed nothing on the bottom.

She says “If my sister doesn’t get ya wrecked, just wait until the old school beast is on deck, and we go back in time to the 90’s. See you there for a good lung buster” :exploding_head:


Thanks the pH wasn’t really important question in the bunch but is great to know. I know with mushrooms they keep the pH stable so thanks for that info. The combo should work instead of cal/mag right? Can anyone recommend and measurements for this? Thanks I have a plant 1 week into flower so wanted to try instead of cal mag thanks


I use gypsum but not sure if you have what I use or another form as there are several grades.
I just use agricultural gypsum in the 50 pound bags from the nursery/garden center
When I run gypsum in flower I am using 5mls per gallon and aiming for 350 to 400ppm but it also depends what else is in your nutrient mix and soil type.
I don’t use Calmag products and instead keep epsom and dolopril on hand should i need to push some mag. I run soilless mix (sunshine 4) and I premix it with gypsum and dolopril before i wet it out for use. The ratio I add is 22 grams of AG Gypsum and 6grams of dolopril per gallon of soil. This is the same amount that I use in my organic mix in the greenhouse which works out to 1.5 pounds of dolomite/dolopril and 5.5pounds of AG gypsum for 110 gallons of soil. I start adding gypsum in the last 2 weeks before flower at 200ppm and then starting on day 15 I am bumping those numbers up to 5mls/350-400ppm per gallon (with feeds) until day 50 and then I’m ramping down to 200 until the flush or water only finish.
If I see a magnesium issue going on I reach for epsom salts.


I know some people just add epsom because but that’s soil. Also had a question since I’m starting flower should I add blood meal or bone meal? Thanks for the ratio per gallon especial since I’m week in flower. I have a 50lb bag of agriculture gypsum. Long story. Would it hurt to add a little Epsom salt just because?


I only use bonemeal outside in the greenhouse pots.
My basic soil recipe doesn’t call for bloodmeal but I know it is in many other grower’s mixes outdoors.
My application rate for Bonemeal is 65.5grams per gallon of soil but that is for a whole season. Veg and bloom


Not an indoor thing I take it. Thanks. I’m gonna hit up the Google machine I just like to get a base sense of knowledge so I can pick through “bro science”.

Another question I messed up late flower with nute mix and burn shit out of plants. I flushed immediately and one kinda not good the other kinda screwed. Should I remove any leaves that are dying not green so plant doesn’t put energy into those leaves. There will still be the green sugar leaves in the buds so that should be enough to finish them. Got about 2 weeks before chop just estimate. Leaves stay or go? Thanks


I have used bone and blood meal for years indoors, and supplement with Alaska fish ferts. I followed BOGs soil recipe. @420noob


The bone meal is super slow to break down. If you already started to flower and and running all organic I’d use a good bat guano. The blood meal is really fast acting and more for veg but if you’re getting some early yellowing a little wouldn’t hurt.
I have a wicked soil recipe you can run start to finish and water only if that’s something you’re looking for.


Making us cannabis enthusiasts proud :+1:

Oh & I’m interested in that recipe @Kushking902