Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

So you really wanna touch it don’t ya? :astonished:


@OriginalDankmaster96 that looks wonderful.
Before you send in your entry give er a good trimming.
Some of the entries last year lost a point for lack of a good manicure.
Those entries may have won if they had a better trim job.
Just sayin’ here.
The competition is fierce this year, make sure to give yourself a fair shake.
Good luck brother. :heart_eyes:


Here we go!
The saga continues rofl


Yup, I’ll touch up some, but a lot of that is sugar leaf, so buds would be too thin taking too much off, like those leafy landrace sativa’s tend to be. Definitely want to present the best possible though. The terps and potency is what will win if that’s how it “shakes” out :smirk:


So bag appeal is definitely a major factor in cup voting then.


yes, Amazon… said not to send links anymore as it also includes them bothering you forever… lol
Cryogenic Storage… the ones Draig ordered you order the tubes separate…

Awesome space saver man… I’ve got 180 strains in 3 boxes… 1 being Autos only, fills just 3 rows but room for 70 more strains…

no idea cost… great birthday gift from Draig and Lady Zandra…


Not to mention their handles doesn’t help one bit… :crazy_face:


He really did just serve it right over the pate with hash browns didn’t he? :laughing:


Here’s the CripXmas B dried and jarred. Very sticky and this long it should be crispy dry.

@shag I need to know if cat hair is going to knock off too many points. I can’t shave my cats and don’t have $1000 air filtration. If there’s seriously no understanding and leniency about pets, I may decline, just sayin…


If you want I can do you a favor and inspect that for cat hairs…I’ll also smoke it to make sure it isn’t poisoned.

You’re welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:


Dam that looks really good. :drooling_face:
I wanna smoke it now. :exploding_head:

I don’t think that will be an issue at all really.
Anyone with an animal should have compassion for that.
I know I would, every joint I smoke most likely has hair in it.
I try to keep it out, I look hard, next thing you know, there is one sticking out the joint.
I am always like…WTF??? :thinking:
So I feel for ya buddy. :wink:

Just FYI
The guy who got knocked for too many non-sugar leaves was Zoot the owner of Z-labs and one of the sponsors for the event.
Some of the judges and I were sitting round talking about the entries and the topic of bad trimming came up.
He admitted he was just lazy and thought his bud was good enough to win even un-trimmed, this years entry will be well manicured I would assume, he did not even place that year. :unamused:


Thank you I appreciate it. You’ve quelled my concerns, just some touch ups on the rough leaf haircut, and I think it will it contend. You will smoke it and can’t wait for you to compare :facepunch::fire::dizzy_face:


Hlg blackbird is back in stock for those that were asking


You should throw some Gypsum in that mix for your sulphur, it’s a fairly even balance of sulphur, calcium and magnesium and it doesn’t affect your soil ph to much like lime can.


Sorry but that’s just laaaaame. A plant is not only as good as it’s trim job. I’d rather see sugar leaves to get an idea of how the plant actually looked. I can understand if I am alone on that, wouldn’t be the only thing.

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I will have to try that. I’ve never used it before :grin:

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Come on man, get a bit more creative, at least give us a good visual to go with it. :heart_eyes:
You may be right…
Might be a bit image

I do not disagree, my weed has leaves all over it.
Folks can get all hung up on how weed looks.
These buds will be looked at very closely. :face_with_monocle:


I trim up only what I can get away with. I can pour out some shake from time to time. It don’t bother me a bit. I think it gives the buds a little breathing room in the Grove Bags. lol


Last year I was almost done with my judging for the reunion cup when I had a widow maker hart attack and was just minutes from death. I think it was the untrimmed bud that pushed me over the edge lol. Just kidding about the untrimmed bud but the rest is a true story. Darlin and my son had to finish up for me. I was afraid I’d get busted lf I tried to finish in the hospital.


Whoa that is some heavy stuff, glad you made it through. Are you judging again this year? @SmokinJoeMGF