Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Nothing wrong with keeping your eyes on him just in case he decides he wants to go… A-Fowl :rofl:


Instead of crime stoppers this is seed crime stoppers or neighborhood weed watch


Very cool concept @shag! I love the idea of a vouching system. Back in the day, I was involved in file sharing forums where you had to be invited and it worked well :fire::+1::star_struck:

I’m putting my name in the ring for review and membership. I’ve been around for a minute, always done solid trades with no problems but I don’t interact as much as some. Hopefully someone recognizes me and would vouch for me :heart_eyes::+1::fire:


I checked you out, a very solid rep, I might say.
No voucher is needed for you.
We can even skip the part where we have the island security dog follow you around for a bit.

Oh, wait…wrong dog, sorry…LOL
This is Lucy she is our head of security.
She says you passed the sniff test and asked if you brought any bacon with you.
Sorry had to ask, she is very persuasive. :joy:

Welcome to the family! @Loggershands I will add you to the list.


Nice! Cool man, I would have been really sad if people said mean things about me :face_holding_back_tears:

Can we still do that part? I love dogs! :dog2:

I’ll bring Iggy! He mostly just sleeps but loves to hang out.


He looks like a cool doggo, looks chilled :sunglasses: too cool for school


:drooling_face: :drooling_face: ummm baconnnn…
I think that I am three months without eating it,… doctors regimen. :cry:

And I miss it too much, and more now that the summer is here and is the time of the grilled bacon.
(Well, I may correct, ALWAYS is the time for grilled bacon)



Mmmmmmmmmmm, bacon. You are correct, @Piter, ALWAYS is the time for bacon!!

I am sorry for your loss (of eating bacon due to doctor’s orders)! NOTHING funny about that! (:laughing:)


Oh yeah, Iggberto is super chill :sunglasses:

He also might be residually high from just hanging with me :rofl:


How old is the Igster?

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Hey @shag , I’d love to join the island if theres room.
I’m a little bit more on the quiet side, but I’d like to believe ive had positive interactions with all who ive talked with over the past year. [Joined OG last July]


Looking at this I thought you were slurring your words…LOL

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It’s what we used to call Iggy Pop.

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Thanks for correcting, he’s on vacation this week.


Nobody really knows? He was a rescue from a pound in Edmonton. We got him 14 years ago and he was a fully grown dog!

You also nailed one of his many nick names! He goes by Iggy, Iggy pop, Igster, Ignatious, Igberto, goober, giggy goo, Bebop…my wife has more


I see you do like your free seeds. :slightly_smiling_face:
Really I take no issue with that, just bustin’ your balls a bit here.

This caught my eye though…
I take care of my grandmother[Nan] full time
Mad respect for you there my brother.
It is family first for me too.
Nice job and I know it is not a simple one.

I think you are the kinda family member we all need in our lives.
I would be foolish to turn you down.
Welcome to the family brother. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s a pretty good go for a dog. Looks like a chill boy too!

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Nice one, I had to think back, then I got a good laugh…“Oh yea!” :thinking:

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Hey, welcome @Illicitmango !

LOL… yours is gorgeous but he’s side eying and thinking “fuck around and find out”!