Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Yeah I didn’t have it in watching mode, duh me.:joy:


WOW! :frowning: I’ll say no more and let it ALL be the surprise to remember!

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Good morning Islanders!!!
Those who won the giveaway, have faith, beans will be getting mailed out this weekend.
I got “messaged” Sunday night that I had to go to the Lake house we are doing to decipher the drawings, parts, and get the kids rolling on the install. It’s over $7 mil on this huge place with a LOT of big glass.

It’s a gigantic house, very complicated install, as We have to line up with 3 different outside substrates and make the interior all the same from window to window. What these don’t actually show, is the doors, and operable windows. Personally, I don’t like that there is so much glass, doesn’t give much in the way of privacy. All the bedrooms are on the 3rd floor, and it’s weird, because none of them have a window, they all have 4 walls.


I would literally despise a bedroom with no natural light. That is my snooze button. My alarm goes off about 20 min before daylight. If I don’t get up, light from my bedroom window will get me going. Besides, every time you walked in there for anything you would have to turn on the lights. Pulling the curtains back is cheaper.
I just wouldn’t like that at all. It would feel like an unlocked jail cell.
I just couldn’t handle it.


LOL, you’ve got that pegged!!!


Alas, to my surprise, roofers are here today, and cutting skylights in, LOL
@MoBilly this will be a “Smart House” everything can be done thru IPhone, tablets, Android etc.
It’s an insane amount of Comm cable running in this place, has to be miles of it.
This lady is VERY Anal, and I get it, $7 mill is big money, but she takes it to the extreme. She doesn’t want to have to touch a thing, auto lights, auto garage door, powered doors, entry sensors, etc.
She’s already stated it more than once to everybody, that she just wants to be able to walk around the house and not touch or do anything.
I just know they’ve got the money, and they pay!!! LOL


I was a landscaper most of my working life. I’ve known a lot of customers that had more money than sense. It was all well and good as long as they paid without complaining when they changed things up on us midway through a job.
I can name several times when a customer wanted something until he actually saw it finished and then paid to tear it all apart and do it differently. I’m an artist and used to do a lot of sketching. My boss found out and had me go with him on bids so I could listen to the conversation between him and the prospective customer. Then I’d sketch out what he could expect to see when we finished the job. My boss always told me that it was a major benefit to the company. He gave me a little extra at the end of the week for those drawings.


As long as the check clears they can afford to be assholes :rofl::rofl::rofl:! That’s amazing can’t wait to see finished pic. Where in general is that if you don’t mind? @MoBilly that it right there employee appreciation doesn’t seem this idea is no longer a practiced concept anymore, for the most part at least. Anyways can always come and kick back on the island have a few sessions and ftw!


You know it’s exactly the same thing with systems engineering, we had an in joke cartoon:



aint no windows a fire code hazard ? i mean if shes paying me enough id look the other way… just dont call me when the smart light catches on fire and your tryna climb out the sky light window with your smart ladder!


Hey people close to south west Michigan this is next weekend!


When I was a residential remodeler I had this happen multiple times, a couple of times multiple times on the same job. Must be tough to have that much money.


I thought for a room to be a bedroom it had to have a window, or else it couldn’t be counted as a bedroom


But somebody has to so it might as well be me.


Money doesn’t bring happiness, it’s only a convenience and utility to make life easier. Take it from one who lived THAT life!


I’m telling you, I couldn’t agree more!

And now that you mention it, maybe you could spot me a couple thou… :wink: :joy:


@420noob its on Lake Huron, in Lakeport.
Gated “private” drive, only 3 houses have access, and 1 of the houses, used to be a “guest house” that they sold. It’s a pretty big chunk of property, think almost 3 acres, with 400ft of waterfront. @204medismoke, yes, it technically can’t be a bedroom without an escape route. But, there’s escape ladders being installed inside with the operable skylights, and outside rigged to the fire suppression system. Once this place is done, it’s going to be ultra nice. 2 huge gas fireplaces, radiant heaters in the basement. Forced Air for A/C, Boiler for heat, way overkill.


@shag did you see my PM regarding the event ? Don’t want to mention anything but as long you saw my list, all good :+1: