Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Very nice win. Mars Hydro has come a loooong way in their light systems. I only use Mars Hydro lights now. Big fan. I have the FC4800 in a 4x4 tent and it’s perfect. If not a bit over powered. I normally don’t even turn the lights all the way up. Usually around 85%.


Yep! Great fixtures @420noob congrats again!
I run my FC-6500 at 78% and always wear :sunglasses: .


Nice win bud! :smiley:


Congratulations on the win @420noob I hope it serves you well!!!


Thanks everyone. One feature I like is it is four strips together so should provide better coverage and possible stay cooler. Should be better than the 150w viparspectra and 100w vivosun I have in my tent now. Oh shit I just realized I have some great vegging lights.


That’s what I did when I bought my ts3000, now I have 2 ts1000’s in my 2x4 veg closet. A lot different than what I was using. My homemade turkey pan light.:joy:

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Hey question all this one is adjustable bar light I like that. Also removable ballast will putting that outside my tent cool it a lot? This is new bridgelux chips are these relatable to the Samsung lm301b cause I think that’s what you have @BigMike55 @pigeonman . I’ve mentioned I have a weird sorta luck I’ve had it all my life. Now in no way am I saying I’m lucky all the time just little things. Lots of concert tickets, party bus tickets to sport games, lots of free shit I win contests. Not bragging just pointing out. So my bday is in December and last year was looking at getting a light to add with my 150w was looking at vivosun vs1000 won it for the Thanksgiving giveaway last year. For the last month I’ve been looking at 300w lights and now I have won one. Even concerts that I hear about i want to go to win tickets. Rolling stones, Adam Sandler, 21pilots, slayer, dropkick Murphys, Marilyn mason on Halloween night and the day after 21 pilots, flogging molly, social distortion, slayer, ministry, sum 41, beck with cage the elephants… In less than 18 months. Before you all get jealous I also have bad luck that hits and runs and builds to the point of feeling heel ground into ground. I mean the most random weird wtf situations that end up screwing me even if I had nothing to do with so it’s very give and take.
Sorry to ramble but again are the new bridgelux chips equal to the Samsung lm301b?


My guess is about 25% of the heat comes from the driver/ballast.

I know samsung are the highest rated.
But then there is the BIN to think about.
High bin sells for more, lower bin are less powerful/efficient.
It really gets quite complicated, but that question should be properly answered best with a PAR meter.

My luck seems to be the exact opposite of yours.
Most of my luck is bad, but usually not really bad.
For example, after a long trip up north with a fully loaded pickup, my tie rod broke backing into my driveway.
Oh and I never win shit, but I do get some weird luck too.
I signed up for a sleigh ride with 20 people ahead of me on the wait list for the last ride of the night.
The lady laughed when I said sign me up, you never know…
Later she called and said you are on for the ride if you still want it…she was very surprised I was able to get on the ride.
The wife and I enjoyed the ride very much… :grin:
So you could say for having bad luck I have good luck…sometimes… :crazy_face:


@420noob as @shag has stated, probably about 25% heat reduction by keeping driver outside the tent. There are plenty of people growing with ultra cheap Crapazon lights from China, and getting great harvests and know damn well they aren’t Samsung LED’s. Guy that works for me has his whole setup with Chineseium lights. His 2 veg lights and his 6 bar bud light cost him what just my ChiLLed 300 watt veg light cost me, and he harvests some pretty damn nice buds. I wouldn’t worry about it and run the hell out of it until you kill it.


Good afternoon Islanders.
It’s a humid mofo here today, but, at Reapers Glass Shop, it’s a suck it up and drive on day.
Had to get this monster door frame in the hole temporarily today, along with getting some frames set.

The Lake house is coming along, slowly but surely, LOL


It is pretty nasty here today, worse by the lake I am sure.

Although I am retired, I remember those days very well.
You have to do just that. :hot_face:

Sometimes I miss working constuction.
But not today…LOL
Thanks for the pics, it is cool to see the project.
@Kgrim …Good luck, stay cool and work safe.


Good looking build you have going there @Kgrim ! Also keep hydrated out of direct sun if possible. They have found 4 Nevada hikers in last week dead on trails. Whoever goes hiking in 110°+ but if your hardcore you know how to do it right. Please be careful I got a bad heat stroke about 4 years ago wasn’t completely out of it retarded for 4 months and still not back 100% the delirium and pain lasted for a full week before I could put complete thoughts into words. Terrifying shit my poor girl man was she scared.


Traveling the Dunes… @shag saw a flag and thought you might be here! "420 Somewhere "!


all the island feet guys are gonna invade your part of the land now. good going!


Too funny!
Can I make extra coconuts by showing them off? :rofl::foot:


you can make extra coconuts and sea shells !


Not me, but a cool flag.
I have never been to the dunes but I will get there one of these days. :sunglasses:
Thanks for the pics, until then I will live vicariously. :wink:


@420noob employee wellness is a top priority in weather like that. I made it an easy day, got the 500# frame off the ground and into the hole on the 2nd story. Secured it into place for the weekend, then called it a day. We were all soaked by 11am, and I mean soaked, just from the humidity. Being 200ft off the lake with no breeze adds to the misery. Hopefully, by the end of this week, all but 1 frame will be installed, then it’s back caulking the frames, and then setting glass. That in itself is going to be a chore, as most glass is packed into different crates, it’s going to be a logistical nightmare. I’ve worked thru worse, but I really don’t enjoy having to handle units 4 times before they get put into the hole. This next week is going to be “fun” as we are coming to the end of frame install, and the homeowner is freaking out about having no glass installed yet. She FINALLY got it when I showed her what was going to be involved with sorting all the glass, and what a I’ve got to do as the “supervisor” to make it go as seamless as possible.


At least you were able to get it straight in her head. Those entitled people with money sometimes can’t see the forest from the trees. She was able to see the work involved and except it and not keep being a pita! Lol glad it’s going well. The least you have to move the better when I was hanging awnings wanted loaded on truck then from truck to wall anymore handling and frames get bent or worse fabric gets toren.


It was almost a nice day in the shop today. No more Lake House for me, doors, doors, and more doors in my future. Material for the Ford doors will be in next week. Built an awning door for my partners bar, and have more Custom Cladded doors coming for Tiffany & Co. 1st store, Lennox Mall in Atlanta. Gold Mirror Polished 10ft pair with Custom 5 point locking system, designed by me, accepted as “exceeding” their security standards.
Got home, fogged, threw on some skeeter spray, and headed out back to the swamp. Thought I got a late start this this year, and I did, but some plants are getting over the 8ft mark, and gonna have a couple smaller ones. Eliminated the 2 males that finally showed, and left us with 8 for the season. Kids should have enough flower to get them thru until next year. Got a real good line up for next year, going feminized so I can get clones out next year and not have to worry.
Hope all the Islanders have a great weekend, and hope to see some of you at the Growers Cup next weekend!!!