Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

That awesome no more lake house and chill day in the shop. Sad I’m missing the excitement next weekend. Hope you all have a high time!


Same I am out of town for next weekends festivities

But should be a great week


Again I can’t make the reunion damnit!!!
At least I made it through the judging process without having a hart attack this year lol.
Hopefully we can pull it off next year


@SmokinJoeMGF Well that sucks!!! JK
Hopefully you can make it next year!!!
Hoping the weather holds out, yesterday weather said “good” now it’s saying 40% chance of rain.
I really wanted to get the Grand Prix out for an extended road trip to compare highway mileage since going to Fuel Injection, but that’s all going to be dependent on the weather.


There is a total of 3 big pavilions there, so as long as it is not all day rain we are good.
I know not so good for the cars but I had to say it.

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@shag I’m still gonna be there no matter what with the step kids,
Rain won’t keep me away, just dictating what I drive that day.
The weather hasn’t agreed very well for shows, cruises and just generally getting ride time this year and I’ve been itching to run more than a couple tanks of gas in the Cars this year, only run 2 tanks in the Regal and 3 in the Grand Prix.


Congratulations :champagne::tada::confetti_ball::balloon: @420noob for the light win, nice grab! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::wink::+1::facepunch::peace_symbol:


Woot woot! Thanks man I see my buds swelling daily. Even though they would be anyways! Lmao


Well Islanders, it’s been a rough couple days here at Reapers Glass Shop.
Moms fell at their campsite, broke her Femur, and had to have surgery to plate and screw the bone back together. On top of that, the same day, my Aunt (Godmother) was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. It’s everywhere and running rampant thru her body, Oncologist says there isn’t much they can do, because it’s spread so far. They sent her home on Hospice, keeping her drugged up to make her comfortable as her Liver is causing a great deal of pain. Gave her 2 weeks to a month tops, as it’s that far along, and everywhere. All my Cuz can do is keep her comfortable as necessary. Looks like it’s going to be a LONG couple weeks for our family, as we deal with everything that’s been thrown on the plate.
Have a Great Day Islanders, stay safe, and let your loved ones know that you Love them.


Terrible news. Sending best wishes!


@ABushOfKush REALLY appreciate it!!!
It sucks waiting for the inevitable, but we all know it’s coming. Our focus now, is get Mom healed up and back on her feet as soon as she can, but it’s going to be a long road there. She has a 3-4 month “no weight bearing” restriction, and it’s going to be hard to keep her down.


Sorry to hear .
Make her happy and comfortable.
Both are tragic. My heart goes out to you and your family…


Appreciate that @Bobgrows
We are keeping Aunt Pat comfortable.


Big hugs @Kgrim !



Appreciate that @Pigeonman!!!

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Fuck man I’m sorry to hear that, wishing your mom a speedy recovery. My aunt passed away yesterday and my uncle went into the hospital urinating blood, they found a mass on his pancreas. Yesterday was not a good day.


Damn, sorry to hear this @Slammedsonoma420
We are about in the same boat right now!!!
Prayers for you and the Fam!!!


Sorry man.
Hope she doesn’t feel any pain, at least.


Bad notices came all together. Sorry.

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@Kgrim glad you can help her and if the tables were turned she would be there for you. Being somebody’s’ rock is all we can do for our families, that is the most important. I find this inevitability(age) coming more and more as I move in to my later years and taking care of parents and relatives is just the next step. I wish you the best and sending positive vibes and energy to help you through these trying times.