Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Sending all the good vibes I can get your way. Stay strong @Kgrim


Damn bro. Thats horrible! So sorry to hear this news. Be strong for your family my friend. I’m all ears if you need me. Positive vibes all around for you and the fam. Take care bromigo.


This is terrible news on both counts. I’m sending out my best vibes to both. I hope your mom is noticeably on the mend quicker than expected. Hospice is an excellent thing that none of us ever want to have to need.


I’m not good with these kinds of events being an autistic, but prayers and wishes to you @Kgrim I hope some of those goodies can take things off your mind for a brief period :relieved:


Thanks ALL for the thoughts and prayers!!!
I TRULY appreciate it!!!
Moms is back home, dad has her all set up in her Laz-boy, and she’s got the long road of healing, not as long as 1 of my key employees, who suffered a MAJOR break a couple weeks ago, compound fracture of tibia and fibula.
Got mom a wheel chair, a walker with hand brakes, and most all her “stuff” near her so she doesn’t have to move much.
Aunt Pat on the other hand, is on the downward spiral, cancer is everywhere, colon, liver, kidneys, spine, stomach, and we are just waiting out the inevitable.
Once again, THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts and prayers!!!


If anyone knows the address of the growers cup could you please dm me so I can find it. Only coming for the day unfortunately. It’s a two hour trip so hopefully I get a response fairly quick. Sorry for being such a slow poke. But I have an excuse. Thanks @shag for the invite.


Sent you a DM


Thank you for your donation!
Looking forward to trying some of the goodies :yum::green_heart::v:


havent really been all that present here on the island the past bit… just lots going on.
@Kgrim sorry to hear about your moms and auntie … everyone else has said it all already but I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts. I have an auntie on the downward spiral as well though she beat breast cancer a few years ago she never fully recovered from that battle and it’s taking it’s toll. My cousin , her youngest son in his mid 40’s , just got rushed to the ER the other day with cardiac issues and doctor said it is similar to what they are seeing with vaccine reactions. I don’t know the medical term but he needs major heart surgery as soon as they can get him on the table. Spent a lot of time with my cousins growing up and well into our adult lives so it’s no different than if it was my brother. Worried sick .
I guess it’s just a fact of life and as we get older we see how age and disease takes people from our lives. It sucks… just be there for them in what way you can.


Appreciate the thoughts and prayers @SHSC-1.
Moms is in a rehab house so that she can learn how to get around, and train my dad to help her.
Probably be there a couple weeks.
On another note, Aunt Pat (my godmother) passed Friday around noon. Wicked fast spreading Cancer which has been showing up in vaccinated older folks. Funeral is tomorrow, and it’s going to be a long drive there, tear jerking funeral, and a long ride back home. Gonna be along night, and I’m hoping I get better sleep than I did last night.


I’m so sorry to hear of your Aunt Pat’s passing. Simply reading what you have said above, it’s so clear that you loved her hugely. I hope the funeral is as positive as it can be for you.

I’ll also just say it’s great that your mom is actively in rehab, and that your dad is learning how to assist her safely. THAT sounds like a real family doing what loving families do!


Aw sorry to hear of her passing. I am sending good thoughts and love your way, hope it helps. :open_hands:🫶. Keep your head up man, plenty of love to go around the island :desert_island:


Condolences @Kgrim I wish you and your family the best through your grief. Hope she is resting easy now.


Sending love and prayers to you and your family. @Kgrim, sorry to hear about your aunt.:heart:

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Thanks all for the thoughts and condolences about my Aunt Pat(my godmother) I TRULY appreciate it!!!
Update on moms-talked with her around 2:30 this afternoon, and she was in good spirits, EXCEPT, she has to go into surgery again tomorrow, 1 screw almost came all the way out, and caused quite a ruckus, they had a hard time stopping the bleeding. After X-rays, not only did 1 screw almost come thru the side of her leg, 5 more had become loose, and her femur had shifted.
Another surgery 1st thing in the morning to repair everything again, but this time, they are putting her into a leg brace, which I said she needed all along. She may not be putting any weight on it, like she’s supposed to, but she doesn’t know what she does when she’s sleeping, so, the brace is supposed to help and stop all the BS.
When they say things come in 3’s, well, here’s #3. My very good friend Kevin, who has his dogs at his body shop daily, and has since he opened, almost 10 year ago, his oldest dog Kona, 14 yrs, was attacked by 2 dogs who broke thru the fence and attacked the poor little girl. She has managed to survive the weekend, and having another surgery today. Over 20 lacerations, well over 60 stitches, 3 drain tubes, almost lost an ear, and was gashed centimeters from her jugular vein. She’s a strong ole girl, and I love her to death, she always greets me with a wagging tail and a rooo rooo rooo whenever I stop bye. She waddles over to say hi, and get some pets, then finds one of her favorite spots.
Things are going to get pretty ugly for the ghetto family who just moved into the house behind his shop. Animal Control wants the aggressing dog so they can put it down, lo and behold, they have moved that dog, and said it’s MIA.
Little do they know, that Kona has a WHOLE LOT of folks who love her, and are now running P.I. Style surveillance and following them wherever they go and recording where they go, this dog WILL be found, and put down.
Civil litigation has been filed as of this afternoon and they are getting sued for Kona’s medical bills, among other things.
Pics are very graphic, if you don’t want to see them, stop here.
Please pray for little Kona, as she is a special
Pup to a LOT of folks, and has touched the hearts of so many in her short time, she has more friends than some humans, LOL


That’s just so fucked up. I know we’re all hoping for Kona’s best possible recovery.

Your town might make a little money raffling off the chance to pull the lever down on that one.


@mota The lady that owns these 2 100+ # dogs, is something else. After Sara scared them away to get Kona safe, she came over screaming that Kona “attacked” her dogs.
What a joke, Kona is 14, moves like a turtle, and was protecting herself. This crazy ladies dogs broke thru the fence to get at Kona, attacked her, and damn near killed her.
She thought she was slick by moving the dog, so animal control can’t get it.
What she didn’t bank on was 24hr surveillance on her crazy ass, she’s being tracked everywhere she goes, and it’s recorded, plus her vehicle has been air tagged, and tracked, all movements of her vehicle are shown on an app. The group WILL find this dog, and this dog will be put down before it can injure another pup, or god forbid, a small child.



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Good evening Islanders, hope everyone is doing good. Just an update, Kona is doing good, drain tubes have been removed, dogs have been tracked down. Now awaiting the prosecutor to do their job, as this crazy lady has changed her entire story and lies abound within her story. The cameras didn’t catch the dog attack, but caught her coming thru the fence, arguing with Sara, police have filed their report, Animal Control has their hands tied, and court date for Civil Litigation is hitting the docket, as she has been served papers.
On another note, at Reapers Glass Shop, the Ford Doors are under way for the Tech Center at the Train Station, and let me tell ya, they are some Big, Heavy doors. Hardware is giving me fits at the moment, but I’m working it out, found mistakes in the order, which had me chasing my ass in a circle until I figured out that the wrong parts were ordered. Here they are under fabrication, hopefully have them in the test buck and swinging later next week.
Just to give you a size comparison, the table that they are sitting on is 5ft x 12ft.


Glad to hear the good news about Kona! Some people should t exist let alone have kids or animals. Damn them some big frames. Sucks chasing you ass around just to find out wrong part was least it’s worked out. Be careful on your drive man please don’t burn your out. I know you’ve been crazy busy with everything just don’t push it driving tired. Trying to look out lost a friend who pushed himself with little sleep and fell asleep on way to a long distance funeral. This led to me having a funeral to go to 5 days later. Condolences and be safe bud.