Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

Hey look… Another one washed ashore. :grin:


Nice @InTheWoods you made it… :slightly_smiling_face:
Reminds me of that joke, I just flew in from Jersey and boy are my arms tired…LOL

So make yourself at home, pick out a nice spot to build a hut or tree house and settle in.
I am thinkin’ in the woods is a good spot for ya, but you are free to choose where you would like to build.
I am sure some of the family will be around to give ya a proper welcoming party.
In the mean time, grab this fatty and chill out, looks like you had a rough trip… :joy:

Oh yea, and welcome to the family, I will add ya to the list. :heart_eyes:


@InTheWoods I almost forgot, don’t forget to add you name to the biggest loser contest.
I will most likely start that tomorrow to give a few more folks a chance to get in before we start.
I will need to make the sign-up wiki no longer editable to keep things fair once I start the drawing.


Thanks for the warm welcome! It was a long journey, this fatty is doing wonders. :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Anyone on this island know where I can sink this boat? :sailboat: I’m done with it.

Thank you for the invite @shag :green_heart: hopefully it’s like Margaritaville and it’s always 4:20 somewhere :joy::joy:

I’m looking forward to all the activities with everyone!


Anyone have any ideas of what Ms going on here?


My first guess would be a PH imbalance.
second guess would be too much ferts or some form of lockout.
The curling leaves are usually a sign of too much of something.

Can you tell us any more?
Our boy @George is usually really good at this, maybe he will chime in.
No not BoyGeorge…LOL
My suggestion would be to spray some mag/nitrate.
This should help the plant green up even when it can’t absorb nutes from the roots properly.

If the soil is not wet you could do a gypsum flush to reset the CEC in the soil.
But first thing you should do is check the soil runoff/runout PH and PPM of the ferts in the soil.
But it would not hurt to put a tablespoon of gypsum on top of the soil before pouring plain water into the pot to test runoff/runout.

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Will do makes sense need more info lol I know better.

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I take that back.
After rethinking things the gypsum will add PPM’s to the test.
So do the test first then if needed do a gypsum flush to reset the soil CEC.

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Momma always said, the two happiest days of your life: The day you buy a boat, the day you sell the boat.


What’s up Islanders??? Been down and out the last week and a half with a pinched nerve or something, resting, on the mend and trying to get back to being me. I’m not the best to be around when I’m in constant nagging pain.
In Reapers Glass shop, Ford doors are in process, much work to be done to get them completed now.

The GC and a rep from Ford were in last Wednesday to take a look and approve them. So far, general consensus is that they really like them and said, “they will work well for our environmental pods” They will be going into different environment settings in their courtyards at the Headquarters in Dearborn. They are going to display vehicles in different environments, desert, forest, beach, city, etc.
not easy doors to fabricate, and even worse to hang with the giant in ground closers, thankfully, I’m just supplying the product, the GC is responsible for installation.


something to consider here…
If your humidity got real low then this could cause an increase in water/fert. uptake in the root zone, this could make your usual fert solution become too strong, you take up too much of it at once.
Dunno if this coulda happened but something to consider anyway.


You are welcome, here is the free clock we pass out to all of the new family members.


That is horrible!
I have had to deal with a lot of that stuff throughout my life.
If you need any suggestions on how to work through it I may be able to help.
Feel free to message me, or if you like we can chat on the phone too.

Yea, I get that, it is hard to be nice to anyone even the dog when you are in that much pain.
I feel for ya brother man. :grimacing:

It looks like the show must go on, despite the pain…WTF??

What GC are you working with?
Get well soon brother :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and as you must know, rest is the best when it first happens.

Hit me up if you need to talk.

Chris will just tell you drink more beer, don’t listen to him, he is just a crazy biker and you can tell him I said that. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Maybe it is better to not tell him, he can probably still rip my head off with one swipe. :face_with_head_bandage:


I want that clock on my wall lol.

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That job sounds stressful AF! Hope that nerve calms down and you feel better! The nerve or some nerves :roll_eyes:


Nice to not have that to deal with, I’m sure! :+1:

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Humidity dropped from45-50% to 27-32% in a few days time.


Yes, the show must go on, Im the only one who knows how to fabricate doors, so it’s in my corral.
It’s more than likely pinched in my shoulder from sleeping wrong, it’s getting better, a little day by day, working sure isn’t helping it get better any faster. I’ve been resting all weekend, and the pain is down more than 50% and I can get some sleep, so that’s better.
The GC is NEC, I don’t know who they have hired to install the doors, I know they have contacted the closer company, Tormax to do the closer install, as EVERYTHING has to line up perfectly for these to operate properly, it’s the nature of the beast on these big doors, the “small” ones are going to be over 650#’s once glass is installed in them.
Haven’t seen Chris or Mona for a bit, I know they have been next door, because I’ve seen their golf cart over there, I’m just not much of a drinker, and am usually beat when I get home from work.
But, yeah, Chris would probably say “drink more” LOL, and your right, he’s not someone I’d not want one my bad side, he is a big stout individual, kinda like an unmovable oak tree, LOL