Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

The whole new concussion protocol is kinda weird from what I read. I have to agree with you though unfortunately.


So how you all think the lions are gonna fair in San Francisco for nfc championship game? Any thoughts? I know it’s hard to armchair QB when the lions still have to win and not get injured! Damn field goals and SF wtf killing me man lol.


I think they will fair pretty well if Aaaron Glenn has his shit together.
“Technically” they didn’t show up for 2 games this year, and compared to seasons past, that’s damn good.
Let’s hope that Badgley doesn’t do what Eddy Murray did, miss a chip shot field goal to go to the Super Bowl!!!
The Roar is Restored, let’s chew on some kneecaps now!!!


Honestly given the struggles the niners had against packers, I like Detroit’s chances—especially if Glenn’s defense shows up in the red zone like they’ve been doing—and even more if Houston can play and help get pressure on Purdy. And if Deebo Samuel can’t play, that takes away a key target from Purdy too.

Today I’m looking forward to Mayfield & the TB offense struggling to communicate on the line due to the Ford Field crowd.

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Outta likes.



LMAO :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:
Kneecap season is just starting here in the D!!!


I still can’t believe we made it this far.
I have been a lifelong Lions fan I kinda expect them to mess things up.

Here is to getting rid of the Same Old Lions…and here is to the all New Lions. :partying_face:

This is my hope too.
I hope we do a better job covering the big plays today.
Time to play the villan

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Pulling for the Lions myself. Good luck.

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Let’s roll it boys!!!
Sack, Interception, points on the board!!!
Gotta keep up the pressure!!!’
2nd SACK!!!


With 49ers dline crumbling and oline not doing much better and lions don’t have to play the pack woohoo! San Francisco should have decent weather for nfc championship.


What a game!!!
Way to go Derrick Barnes to seal it!!!
Off to the NFC Championship!!!



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Looking forward to next week… gonna be a good game. Was a good run by the Lions. Haven’t gotten this far in like 30 years


Go lions! HELL YA BOYS! You older Detroit baseball fans remember “Bless you Boys” back in 84’ with chet lemon jack morris hell ya.
Anyways so if the Lions can keep the 49’ers out of field goal range we should be good. Combined with possible winds and rain.


I was there for the final game when they won it all.
That was a crazy night.
I was downtown.
My buddy was selling/scalping tickets and some guy ran off with them…WTF???
There was a tour bus coming down the street someone yelled the padres are on that bus.

The crowd attacked the bus and started rocking it.
Some people climbed on top of the bus.
I had to do it.
I was on the news when I was on the bus.
Later I saw my friend hanging out right next to a bunch of cops on horses.
I asked him WTF are you doing here by the cops.
He said watch this…
He poured beer in his hand and gave it to the cop horses.
I laughed like hell.
Of course, I had to do it too…LOL
The horses were so tall the cops were way above us looking out at the crowd.
We wandered on…
I came across another friend standing with a very large crowd.
I asked what the hell is going on over here?
He said we are getting ready to gate crash.
I said gate crash?
There is like 30 cops guarding the entrance.
About the time I said that everyone went running toward the entrance.
So of course I had to do it too.
As we approached the entrance, everyone was funneled together.
Yea, it was a very dangerous situation looking back.
Anyway we were all smashed together with no room in between.
You have no control over where you went, the crowd decided that.

I looked up and 1 cop was standing in front of a support beam and the crowd moved around him.
My friend and I were shoulder to shoulder next to each other moving right toward the cop.
As we got closer I could see he was about to take action.
I did all I could to try to avoid him but I doubt it had any effect.
Lo and behold when we reached the cop my buddy was face to face chest to chest and I was right next to him.
We had long hair and the cop grabbed my buddy’s hair pulled his head down and started beating him with a Billy club.
I tried to pull him with me as the crowd continued on but his jacket slipped out of my hand and I almost got knocked to the ground, that woulda been real bad… :dizzy_face:

So when I got in I had to stand in the isle, but I had 5 tall boys in my hand from when I was feeding the horses.
I gave the guy I stood next to one of the beers and he did not seem to mind me hanging out with him…LOL
Beer says let’s make friends in any language…LOL

I started chugging the beers in celebration, I may have gave another away I kinda forget.
Next thing I knew Gibby hits that homerun and the crowd goes wild.
The Tigers close out the final inning.
People started to run onto the field.
So of course I had to do that too… :roll_eyes:

So I am down on the field pulling up grass and I look around to take it all in.
Hmmm…I see a bunch of cops running onto the field.
I was not worried they were far away.
I looked around and saw a guy rolling up a whole roll of sod.

So of course I had to do that too… :roll_eyes:
About that time a whole bunch more cops run onto the field.
When folks started tearing out the bases they released the hounds…so to speak.
They started throwing people on the ground knee in the back and putting handcuffs on.

I wanted no part of that shit, so I ran as far away as I could get into the outfield.
When I got there I had to scale a huge fence so I put as much grass in my pockets and socks as I could and climbed up the fence to safety.

I will cut it short there but that is when they flipped the cop car and all kinds of other crazy shit.
I got to see the riot squad in action on Woodward ave.
Someone got shot and the streets were being cleared… 3 rows of cops with 6 foot clubs in full riot gear coming down the street was a site to see.
If you were there you were beaten, they were not talking to anyone.
I had to be there my car was on Woodward with the keys locked in the ignition…WTF…right??
A bunch more violent shit went on that night but I will spare you all that story.

I hope if the Lions win the Superbowl I have that much fun…not really I am way to old for that kinda shit anymore. :grimacing:



Ha sounds like a Fucking blast! Last tigers home game I went to in Comerica park turned into quite the adventure. Ended in secondary strip searched trying to go to Michigan and trumbell was a shady ass corner when there wasn’t a game . Woodward not much better glad you made it! Crowd mentality can be fun sometimes.


Never had one of those, don’t want one either…LOL

No doubt, I used to have one of the street bricks from that day too.
I still love the old buildings that are left downtown.
My friends and I could take a bus straight up Gratiot all the way downtown for I think .50 cents?
We spent a lot of time down there VIA the bus from when I was like 12 years old.
We were always looking to get in some kind of trouble.

@shag I see Brad Holmes remedied the lack of available TEs yesterday since both Wright & Mitchell are now unavailable. The article I saw said they almost pulled that trigger last week but didn’t since LaPorta’s knee wasn’t as bad as they feared. Also, since the TE coach worked with Ertz in Arizona, there’s already a relationship there.


Did the lions win?