Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 1)

hey @shag got those mb15 beans u sent me awhile back. wanted to thank you again. :upside_down_face:


Good morning Islanders,
Haven’t been doing much here at Reapers Glass Shop. Shipped the replacement doors for Atlanta, finished up 98% of the Ford Headquarters doors, and now working on the next Tiffany’s project.
Pack 1 has been released, and now I pretty much am just sitting and watching paint dry.
Around 1,100 drill and counterbore holes in pack 1. Takes a little bit to get em done, 6061 aluminum doesn’t really like deep hole drilling, it really likes to clog about the 9/16 mark, kinda happens using $3 drill bits, have EXPENSIVE drills ordered to get thru this in a timely fashion.

So, while I’m sitting here, I decided to engineer a new door setting tool, kinda nice to have the equipment to be able to do these types of things LOL
Take a look at where this job is, we truly are a worldwide supplier!!!

Not too bad for a couple of stoners who met working in a kitchen 33 years ago. Took a chance in 2000, moved, and it was 2 guys with a ford van, 2 cordless screw guns, and 2 5-gallon buckets with tools.
My oh my how things have changed!!! LOL


In my not particularly humble opinion, yours is an awesome story! I cannot tell you how much respect I have for stoner you and your stoner partner. No kidding.


Thanks @mota. The journey hasn’t been easy, we’ve had serious tragedy along the way, but faith and perseverance have paid off.
It all could have gone south along the way, especially when my partner lost his middle son to suicide.
I was in Manhattan doing a 3 story Best Buy when I got the news, and it was pretty rough on me, as Dillon was MY buddy, to the extreme. The next 2 years was fairly rough on me as my partner withdrew into a shell, which I didn’t mind one bit. I held strong, kept working and getting jobs done, then one day, he said, “I’m done, you ready??? Let’s roll this MFer and get back on track.
I’m VERY thankful we made it thru and where we’ve gotten this thing too.
Now we have “Dill Jr” Brooke’s little one, Kai is a carbon copy of Dillon in every sense, it’s uncanny when you put a picture of Dillon next to one of Kai, they look EXACTLY alike, and it shows with my partner, he is absolutely smitten with him, and Kai LOVES his Grandpa unlike any child I’ve ever witnessed. Kai was here last week, and was walking around bummed, then he saw Grandpa, and holy cow, he let out a scream heard around the shop and went running so he could hang with Grandpa.


Where we started. 2 guys and a junk Ford Van, LOL


You have my utmost respect. :grin:


Scary shit here, please be aware that the rules have changed. :grimacing:

In an effort to encourage the discovery of more treatment and diagnostic options in the medical field, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a rule allowing certain clinical trials to operate without obtaining informed consent from participants. :astonished:


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, the Agency, or we) is issuing a final rule to amend its regulations to implement a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act). This final rule allows an exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than minimal risk to the human subject and includes appropriate safeguards to protect the rights, safety, and welfare of human subjects. The final rule permits an institutional review board (IRB) to waive or alter certain informed consent elements or to waive the requirement to obtain informed consent, under limited conditions, for certain FDA-regulated minimal risk clinical investigations.

" Informed consent may also be dispensed with in a fourth set of cases, those of legally required treatment, in which the harm from requiring informed consent is not necessarily to the patient (or the patient alone) but to other important societal interests (e.g., civil commitment of the dangerous mentally ill—see Chapter 11—or forced treatment of patients with infectious disease )"
2001, [link to (secure)]

“The IRB responsible for the review, approval, and continuing review of the clinical investigation described in this section may approve that investigation without requiring that informed consent of all research subjects be obtained… (1) human subjects are in a “life-threatening” situation, available treatments are “unproven or unsatisfactory”, and the collection of valid “scientific evidence”, which may include evidence obtained through randomized placebo-controlled investigations, is necessary to determine the safety and effectiveness of particular interventions” (aka no need to inform human guinea pigs)

21 CFR 50.24, [link to (secure)]


Well you need a fancy arrival story.(see thread for past examples.)
We are always looking for quality family members.
This is the family motto…

If this is something you are interested in being a part of then just post your arrival story and I can add you to the family list.
You are kinda new around here so I will have to make Lucy your escort.
This is Lucy our head of security.

I have a pretty good feeling about you but security is very important on the island.

Thanks for the heads up brother, I woulda missed it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for the report, you are most welcome. :wink:


Thanks for the pic, I love old pics like that. :sunglasses:

I do like Reaper better than 2 guys and a junk Ford :rofl:


LOL, you know how much I had to wrench on that poor van??? Did a lot of work on it just to get us back and forth to Detroit everyday.
Take a look at the hood, see the bungie cords???
Well, a Semi passed us in the other direction, and peeled to hood skin right into the windshield, LOL
I wrenched on that van no less than twice a month just to keep us going down the road, finally one day, it wouldn’t go over 50 mph, had to take Gratiot pretty much from 28 Mile down into the city. Thankfully, once it died, there was another van for us parked at the old shop when we got back.


LOL…I saw those and chuckled…been there…
Was the third bungie for the bumper?
It looks solid in the pic…kinda curious… :thinking:

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No, we just had to use what we had in the van, and the only 3 we had were all different sizes, so needed to stretch them out and anchor them wherever we could.

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Oh man, I thought those were pinstripes!

That is such a sweet story about your partner and grandchild. Good for him to have come back from such a terrible experience. Props to him. And, of course, to you too. d8JBdDJ


@kgrim I tip my hat to you sir! Glad you hunkered down and supported but buddie and business to pull it all together!


Thanks again @mota.
Thankfully we had work on the books, and I could handle most everything by phone. Once I finished the 3 story Best Buy, I pretty much hit the road and wasn’t home but a few days a month, while my partner dealt with the loss. Back then, it was Christopher & Banks, CJ Banks, GAP, and Old Navy stores, to the tune of 6-7 stores a month. The things I pulled off for GAP, got us behind closed doors at Corporate in San Fran, then someone left, went to Apple, seen our name on a bid sheet, and that got us into Apple, which is still one of our best Customers. Thankfully they are ramping up this year, and I’ve got 10 stores on the books for this year, along with all the Service Channel work for them, just got a shipment today of replacement glass from Germany to replace a set of doors and a Giant piece of glass for a store.


Thanks @420noob
I appreciate it. I couldn’t just sit bye and wait for him to get better, had to hit the bricks and keep us rolling, it wasn’t easy, but it’s all been worth it.


Put me in touch with the sales team.
I wanna order a 1000 x 1000 foot transparent aluminum greenhouse for Fantasy Island. :grin:
Is that something you can do?

How much to ship it to the island?
I just got one of these, so I can pick it up if needed.
I just have to spray some pot leaves on it and she will be ready to fly.


I support that cause! :slightly_smiling_face::helicopter::hospital::evergreen_tree:


My last setup… :wink:


With a Chinook that size, getting a Greenhouse to the Island is NO problem!!! LOL
Liking the Civilian scooter too!!!
That big ole bird took me back a few years, LOL
One of the most stable platforms to rappel from.
Youll have to gather some islanders to help unload that 1,000ft greenhouse though, that’s a big one!!!