Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

So @shag how does growing multiple seedlings in the same pot work out for ya?

Some kind of darwinist action going on? Survival of the fittest?


Not real well when it comes to growth rate.
I did it to save time planting.
The seeds were ready before I was…LOL

When you try and transplant them you usually mess with the tap root.
This method seems to work better with clones.
No real tap root to break.

The seedlings I planted directly into cups are doing much better than the others.
The big pot plants are in individual pots now.
They have stalled a bit compared to the cups.
If I had the time I would have put em all in the cups for best results.
Nothing strange going on, just laziness at it’s best… :joy:


Not a real method, noted. Lol

Too bad, it would be really cool


I sometime take too many clones when cleaning the lowers and put em in a in a spray cloner then into 1 big pot to save room and time and this works well for the survival of the fittest especially when room is limited.

With clones they should all be about the same height.
The weak ones get outgrown and if you only need a few of em the tall ones are chosen the rest get discarded.

So it is an ok choice for clones…seeds not so much.


Do you find the winners are the ones you would look for in a normal selection?

Survival of the fittest seems to work if you have a huge population to choose from. Otherwise it seems to only favor the phenos that happen to be the most hardy and vigorous. In a small population will those be the best?

Just putting thoughts out there


I want to say that for me it’s been a thought exercise like

If you have 5 seedlings and no more stock


If you have 5,000 beans of something

How do you adjust?

Common sense to me says you would look for the most vigorous and healthy in a large, large population. But does that work or is it just an application of Goodhart’s Law?

Goodhart’s Law is expressed simply as: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” In other words, when we set one specific goal, people will tend to optimize for that objective regardless of the consequences. This leads to problems when we neglect other equally important aspects of a situation.


Maybe if you have a super short squat plant and it is great smoke but doesn’t produce much. When breeding with other of same line do I pick a super tall large one or do I try to breed it to the one that is the ideal?


Ahhhh, selection… :thinking:

For me this is like women, the topic is very subjective.

What is my perfect 10 some guys would kick her out of bed for eating Crackers (right Crackers?) :flushed:

I am no breeder but I do watch what other do and I understand why they do it…for the most part.

But I don’t select for health and vigor unless I am trying to add that back in.
My initial selections seem to favor smells and potency.

I like to look for outlier plants too.

I am amazed at breeders who can look at a plant and tell what it is just by looking.
Or tell what it ain’t…

For breeding I like to use several females and a few males then test those to see what they look like.
I would like to do 2 separate lines of the Motor Breath then cross em back to each other.

I am also interested in reversing the male like @Cactus is currently doing.


Yes why not! @shag

I will pop some pics on the thread when I get underway if that is ok? I hope I can pull this off and maybe get some good notes on the process.



Seeds landed @shag thanks. One is bubblehead x pine tar gash what’s the other? Thanks again!


Thanks for the report bud.

Does it have letter on that one?

Should be Gush


Lol gash is funnier gush ok thanks!:thinking::rofl:


I agree, :rofl:


Yeah heavy metal can sing the other stuff too!

This is my generation


I think it works to weed out the weak ones.
Sometimes the slow growers can be special plants.
I usually only cull the very weak myself.

I agree! :star_struck:

Now that is a good question…LOL

How to get your gash to gush in 3 easy steps… :rofl:


Hard to know, what is written on it?

@Cactus We likely share a generation (GenX) my friend ;-)~

I like some of what the kids are doing these days though.

TheMan13 on Instagram: ""On a mission to build a peaceful, pot-friendly Shangri-La, Tom Crosslin and his lover Rollie Rohm founded Rainbow Farm, a well-appointed campground and concert venue tucked away in rural Southwest Michigan. The farm quickly became the center of marijuana and environmental activism in Michigan, drawing thousands of blue-collar libertarians and hippie liberals, evangelicals and militiamen to its annual hemp festivals. People came from all over the country to support Tom and Rollie's libertarian brand of patriotism: They loved America but didn't like the War on Drugs. As Rainbow Farm launched a popular statewide ballot initiative to change marijuana laws, local authorities, who had scarcely tolerated Rainbow Farm in the past, began an all-out campaign to shut the place down. Finally, in May 2001, Tom and Rollie were arrested for growing marijuana. Rollie's 11-year-old son, who grew up on Rainbow Farm, was placed in foster care - Tom would never see him again. Faced with mandatory jail terms and the loss of the farm, Tom and Rollie never showed up for their August court date. Instead, the state's two best-known pot advocates burned Rainbow Farm to the ground in protest. County officials called the FBI, and within five days Tom and Rollie were dead. Obscured by the attacks of September 11, their stories will be told here for the first time." Burning Rainbow Farm: How a Stoner Utopia Went Up in Smoke written by Dean Kuipers (2006). @DeanKuipers #DeanKuipers #BurningRainbowFarm #RainbowFarm #Michigan #EndTheDrugWar #MMMP #THC #CBD #CannabisCommunity #MedicalMarijuana #GrowYourOwn #ICMag #CannabisNation #420 #710 #TomCrosslin #RollieRohm"

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